Use the windows terminal:
Example for what I used before I switched to the beta version:
Download Deepstack:
docker pull deepquestai/deepstack:noavx
Setup the container.
docker run --restart=always -e MODE=Low -e VISION-DETECTION=True -e API-KEY="" -v localstorage:/datastore -p 5000:5000 --name deepstack deepquestai/deepstack:noavx
"-e MODE=Low" is optional (Default is medium). It's not as accurate but gives a faster result. I have noticed a few false results so far but not enough to switch back to medium.
"--restart=always" will keep it running if it stops or if the PC is restarted.
In the above example it runs on port 5000.
I'm using the beta version of deepstack now which doesn't require activation.
Hello everyone, I am happy to share that as we move towards releasing DeepStack as an high performance open source AI engine for edge devices, we have published two new images to address some of the issues that has been raised recently as to activation, no-avx support and accuracy of the object...
I've also modified ai tool to have it markup and save the positive images to a sub folder so I don't need to use ai tool to see what it detected. I used to have it send that image to telegram when I was debugging but now I have it save the images on my NAS server. Example of an image
I also added a [prefix] variable to mine so I can use the following trigger url which will use the "Input file begins with" camera setting.