Thanks, so if I ran this in powershell "docker pull deepquestai/deepstack:noavx
", I assume that isn't the beta version and therefore I need to input my API code in between the quotation marks on the next line?
Oh, and also, the "noavx" command, if I'm running an i7-6700, do I still use the noavx command with that as I thought that was for older processors?
This runs significantly faster than the CPU Version and requires a system with NVIDIA GPU.
AI Tool checks 9 points of every object to determine whether it's in a masked area or not. If >= 5 points are not masked, it will alert you.
Can you show what URL you are using in AI Tool to trigger BI?Anyone see a reason why my settings wouldn't be sending alerts? They're definitely flagging in BI:
View attachment 67721
And I can see the snapshots in AITool as identifying people. But I am not getting an email nor a push to my BI app on my phone as I was before 1.67. The Actions On Alert tab is the same as it was before.
View attachment 67722
If I check the Motion Zones box, I do get emails and pushes to the BI App, but it's for every single motion, not just the ones triggered by the AI Tool.
Can you show what URL you are using in AI Tool to trigger BI?[summary]&user=XXUser&pw=XXXXX
And get this:
Nope, just figured it out and maybe @GentlePumpkin can add it so that those with fewer braincells like myself can figure it
Need to add this to the URL in AITools over and above the URL I inserted above.
Or maybe I can just add "&Trigger" to the "Backyard&flagalert" command.
That is correct. My test setup was an old xeon that didn't support AVX. If you have a processor with avx you use "deepquestai/deepstack". Also if you have a nvidia gpu you can try "deepquestai/deepstack:gpu"
I do have an NVidia GPU. Is there a way to install it using Docker? I.e., when I read the Deepstack info, it implies I need Ubuntu or some Linux version anyhow to install the Nvidia driver?
How to Install Nvidia Drivers on Ubuntu: Step-by-Step Guide
To Install Nvidia drivers on Ubuntu and other Linux distros is a breeze with this simple guide. In this article, you will learn how to download and install the correct graphics driver packages for your system, ensuring that you get the best performance out of your GPU. 1. Install
Or since I'm using Docker for Windows, would it just use the windows installed driver and I don't need that step?
I.e., with my current installation, "sudo" is not a recognized command, I assume that's a Linux command?
docker pull deepquestai/deepstack
docker pull deepquestai/deepstack:gpu
docker run --restart=always -e VISION-DETECTION=True -v localstorage:/datastore -p 81:5000 --name deepstack deepquestai/deepstack
docker run --restart=always -e VISION-DETECTION=True -v localstorage:/datastore -p 81:5000 --name deepstack deepquestai/deepstack:gpu
docker image ls
deepquestai/deepstack | cpu-x3-beta | 37b0a6595a68 | 3 weeks ago | 2.49GB |
docker image rm <IMAGE ID>
Okay, so pulled the :gpu version (and installed this Announcing CUDA on Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 | NVIDIA Developer Blog).
This is what I'm seeing in Powershell? I assume this isn't right as nothing is going to my AItool, The below GIN messages correspond to me going outside to try and trigger a camera. I'm not sure why it's using as the IP address?.
Damn I can‘t remember what my workaround for this was... My first idea would be to additionally add a trigger url for this camera to the “trigger URL(s)“ box in AI Tool and set blue iris to only fire alerts on external (disable motion zones).@GentlePumpkin, I don't seem to be getting a notification now on alerts, are these the right settings? I.e., if I check "Motion Zones", I end up with the usual array of false alerts since every time motion is triggered it sends an alert.
But if I turn off Motion zones, I get zero alerts to my email and phone, even though AITools is showing pictures and I'm getting a "Flagged" notification in BI when it detects a human. But it's not triggering an alert.
View attachment 67704
@GentlePumpkin could you elaborate on the 9 points, please? Are the points single pixels in the corners of an object's box, or are they regions/zones? I'd like to fine-tune my masks so knowing how AI Tool handles these points would be helpful. Thank you!
View attachment 67720