thats because your using a routed VPN solution and your sitting on another subnet and your router is routing traffic from your LAN to your VPN.. those Discovery services only broadcast the subnet they are on, if your device is on another subnet autodiscovery becomes impractical but as long as you know the host/ip its fine.
If you were using a bridged VPN solution you'd be on the same subnet as the LAN and broadcast packets would find your cameras.. its largely dependant on how you set it up, and I actually perfer routed (TAP) over bridged (TUN) setups as it offers several benefits.. like being able to add firewall rules between the VPN Clients and the LAN if you wish to further restrict access.
Hi Nayr,
I've been reading this thread for a while; this is the first post I think I have found that relates to my problem accessing my VPN that I recently set up on my home Nighthawk router running DD-WRT.
I have the VPN 'working' - that is, I can connect to my router login page and Hikvision NVR login page from my Android phone running OpenVPN when I type the appropriate IP address, example If I turn off OpenVPN then these IP's are no longer accessible.
I configured the VPN using several guides because understanding how to generate certificates etc was difficult at the start and several ways of explanation helped me to grasp the setup process.
I don't have any ports forwarded and uPNP is disabled.
When OpenVPN is turned on on my Android phone, I can view my Hikvision camera using the iVMS app (Hikvision) however I don't want to use this application to view my cameras. I would like to use Tinycam Pro, of which I have purchased.
For the life of me I cannot figure out how to connect Tinycam Pro to see my camera connected to my NVR (IP
I have the following in the firewall section of my router:
iptables -I INPUT 1 -p udp --dport 1194 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I FORWARD 1 --source -j ACCEPT
# These next two lines may or may not be necessary.
# I (dereks) did not need them, but bmatthewshea did.
# Thus, we include them so that this works for more people:
iptables -I FORWARD -i br0 -o tun0 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I FORWARD -i tun0 -o br0 -j ACCEPT
I have the following under the OpenVPN server settings:
push "dhcp-option DNS"
push "dhcp-option DOMAIN HOME"
push "route"
Would you at all have any ideas please?
Thank you!