Known around here
srsly? electricity would be around $1-2/year.
that doesn't negate my question.

srsly? electricity would be around $1-2/year.
Smile guys it's Christmas here ! Lol my brand new 8232 is here after only 8 days and a 5431 and a 4431em-as too, I can't wait to compare em all ! Andy rocks !!!
Hi All,
What model would you recommend for usage where there is always lights on (in a shop)?
I believe the IPC-HDW5231R-Z would be an overkill and is best suited for low light conditions.
Basically what I'm asking is, what is the equivalent of the IPC-HDW5231R-Z but where there is sufficient light always present.
I just purchased Dell OptiPlex 7040 Micro i5-6500T upto 3.1GHz Skylake 4GB 250GB **3YR WARRANTY | eBay this computer, hopefully it can run my 2 hdw4231em-as. I will be using BI
thanks looney it is already on the wayFYI:
The Micro only has room for one 2.5" drive.
The "T" version of the processor is a slower version than a straight I5-6500 non T.
Do you leave all the lighting on or just partial lighting? Can you take a pic w/a cell phone after hours and get a good pic of faces?
The 4MP Cameras can be found a alot cheaper if your willing to deal with Domestic Chinese issues.. otherwise if you want good international cameras the Starlights are same price as the rest and they are not really overkill even in well lit areas, the'll just run at higher shutter and less gain than others would and that still results in better quality.
Eventually 4mp will be the standard for ip cameras.
nope, 4MP are the standard for shit cameras.. Everything's going to skip right over those pices of trash.. Whats the point of increasing resolution if all its doing is using more storage/recording space to save less details.. already 6MP, 8MP and 12MP Starvis packed cameras are out that kick every 4MP camera ever made in the nuts, both night and day..
Photons > Pixels
The only good use for 4MP cameras Ive found is LPR reading; because trying to read a reflective surface at night is most definitely a VERY high lux environment if its completely washed out until you get close to 1/500 shutter speed.