Can somebody please point me to an explanation of the "trigger url" box? (Nevermind; I found the explanation in the BI help file.)
I'm a bit confused as to how it works / where it (the trigger box in ai
tools) works in the big picture of me getting an alert and my hd stream starting to and stopping record.
The specific things I'm trying to fix (and I don't know if these are ai tool things or BI things):
When I walk outside in front of the camera, stop, move around, wave at the camera, I never get an alert. Same with when my family leaves or arrives. But passers-by get recorded. ???
When I get an sms (or mms, i've tried both), it rarely shows the subject of the alert. A few posts back
@aesterling mentioned [ImagePath]; so I setup an image path, and I'm getting images with boxes in the path, but I've added &path=g:\alertimages to the end of my triggers and I don't get those images in my texts.
Another thread suggested setting up email alerts; I did that, but I only get the images in email that I get in my texts.
My trigger urls look like this (ip, port, and un/pw have been removed in these examples):


So, what are these triggers actually doing?
UPDATE: I did find that the triggers are BI, not aitools. In the BI help file, under administration, under Direct image and video requests. I'm going to look thru these in more detail and see if my triggers are correct; or at least why these specific ones were suggested in the BI setup video I used as a guide.
Please forgive my ignorance. I've been an IT professional for 30 years, but I've been struggling to get bi/aitools working since I installed it. Quite embarrassing, I assure you!