Search results

  1. c hris527

    Consumer based wireless mesh systems

    Hey all, Bringing this up because as home systems are ditching the either-net cables, the wireless demands are rising. Just over a year ago I helped a local Museum with a dead wireless issue. Their Spectrum gear was in the basement and not cutting it anymore. They ended up buying a Netgear...
  2. c hris527

    NewsBreak App Do You use it ?

    Anybody use this app? I friend of mine sent me a local story with a link through text messaging. It wanted me to install the Newsbreak app on my android. I'm pretty app-less on my phone and always suspect of any app. A bit of research on it, Turns out that one of its major owners is a Chinese...
  3. c hris527

    Do you think this is a sketchy?

    A Customer of mine, Actually a Government entity informed me of a Amazon Delivery they received last week, After unboxing the items they looked at the bottom of the box and saw a extra item, it at first it looked like a credit card or business card. After they looked at it, turns out its a card...
  4. c hris527

    Ubiquity Discovery Tool

    Hi All, Had a need today for find ip address of two M5 Locos, I know its been 3 years since I did anything with locos and when I did I remember using a chrome extension. I had a nice service laptop back then that had everything on it and it has expired. From what I'm reading the stand alone...
  5. c hris527

    LPR on a Incline

    Hi All, Well as time progresses, the rural neighborhood is slowly getting infected with weird things happening, Crime is on a uptick here. I had always wanted a LPR to cover my street but laziness and time always got in the way. My driveway is almost dead balls in the middle of hill. Any LPR...
  6. c hris527

    Strange Wireless Networks Popping up in UTAH

    Looks like somebody went through a LOT of effort to install these. Notice how they blame a Crypto or Helium network. Very Strange. Wireless Network Pictures
  7. c hris527

    This Monster showed up at my door.

    Doing a simple data transfer for a medical client, I worked with their data conversion team for x-ray images. I was told to install a 1TB hard drive for the data conversion in the server, did that about 2 weeks ago, they were going to ship me a external hard drive so i could copy the data they...
  8. c hris527

    Police take down one of their own

    Like I have said before, this crime thing is creeping its way up to my neck of the woods, They are giving concealed carry permits away like candy in my County, Starting to remind me of Dodge City in Gunsmoke. Things are REALLY getting nuts up here. Saratoga Springs PD
  9. c hris527

    OH SH%T

    Long story short, for years been suffering with a heating zone on the 2nd floor, currently wireless thermostat, gone through 3 of them and receivers to boot. The Guy who installed it like 23 yrs ago suggested I run a hard wire up there, Been putting it off but I had a route planned. Just drill...
  10. c hris527


    Hello All, This will be a Moderate review of a Hikvision DS-2CD2387g2p-LSU/SL Multi-sensor 180 degree 4mm camera. I received the camera for testing from Hikvision USA (THANK YOU GUYS) and I told them I would post a review here on IpCamtalk. Going to give the good, the bad and the ugly. I...
  11. c hris527

    Shipping Costs..HELP!!

    Long Story Short, I have a expensive piece of test equipment in the UAE, United Arab, It prob weighs about 20 lbs or so, The Guy who has it says its about $2400 to ship DHL back to the states. I did check the site, I wonder if that was Their currency, or USD, either way seems really expensive...
  12. c hris527

    Are you ready for a EMP attack?

    Ya Know, Last year after hearing chatter early on of a monkeypox outbreak, It always seems the higher ups seem to project or predict what will come next. For years I have been hearing about a EMP attack on our grid be it man made or Mother nature doing the deed. Could this be the answer to...
  13. c hris527

    What Are The chances Of This Happening ?

    So I had to meet a friend, she was dropping off a laptop for me to work on, we decided to meet at a Fast food place but as she would be visiting her mom and she ended up late on the way back, I had mY 12 yr old daughter with me and got DADDD Im Hungry.. Ok So we stop off at a dunkin Doughnuts...
  14. c hris527

    Deadbolt cryptolocker Asustor and Qnap

    I have been following this closely, I have two asustor appliances. Seems it hitting the devices exposed to the internet(OPEN PORTS} ...That sound familiar?? Anybody still using ANY camera software that is port forwarding for remote viewing best take notice, Its not IF but when. Nothing is safe...
  15. c hris527

    Going to be seeing more of these popping up all over.

    Had to stop at a local Dicks sporting good store, I pulled in the parking lot and looked up. The company is Liveview out of UTAH. I did ask the store employee about it and he said it is for their store. Too bad they can't arm them with a kill laser when people are grabbing stuff from their store.
  16. c hris527

    HuddleCam or PtzOptics, anybody ever used one?

    Hi all and Happy new year. I take care of a Church and a third party vendor wants to upgrade the video streaming capabilities. They are VERY pricey and when asked said they use a company called PtzOptics and a sister Company called huddlecam for hardware, I looked them up, PTZOPTICS Looks like...
  17. c hris527

    I went to the future today

    Day 3 at a new Office setup, This is a brand new workstation with a Asus motherboard. I use a TON of these. This PC burned on my network for over a week before the Install, fire it up, saw windows start, my helper called me over for another issue, came back about 10 mins later...HMMM Bios page...
  18. c hris527

    She thought it was a Drive-thru Bakery

    This happened locally here in upstate NY, amazing nobody got whacked. This week they got the same and a outside pillar got hit shaking the building, twice in 3 weeks. Drive Thru
  19. c hris527

    Adding IVS to a Onvif Camera on a Dahua AI NVR

    I decided to update my firmware in the NVR so it had better AI Functionality. I was excited as I watched this video Device Add. I tried it on a Uniview camera and a Raysharp camera, I followed his advice but when I get to the part to add the rule, it says failed to get configuration. No...
  20. c hris527

    Nelly's Security POE 101 Article

    I get lots of e-mails from Nellys Security, this is a GREAT article and write up on the how and whats of everything POE and they do a awesome job of laying all the stuff you would need to know especially for the NOOB's here. Covers all the different types and extenders and power budgets. Very...
  21. c hris527

    Killing Time Testing Camera Placement Dahua and Goswift

    So I got whacked this week with a case of the shingles on the head and face(NOT FUN) and decided to lay low for a few days, I decided to pull out of my camera stash cams that I want to make use of that I had laying around. Cam 1 is a Goswift that @Sean Nelson from Nelly's Security sent me for...
  22. c hris527

    A LOCO M-5 Linksys EA7500 No Connection (RESOLVED)

    Strange issue for sure. LOCO-M5 in bridge mode/AP Tested on 3 different routers and 2 switches AND WORKS FINE. No connectivity issue, static IP Linksys EA7500 will NOT even see the LOCO..Period, no ping NADA, Does anybody know if I need to set or disable security feature on this router to...
  23. c hris527

    Ubiquiti Loco M5 Issue

    Had a set of these radios new in the box, needed to set up a client with Internet access for her summer RV about 300' from the house, On the bench I set it up in AP mode, logged on issue. Tried to do a bit of fine tuning so I moved it up to the garage switch and was checking distances from...
  24. c hris527

    Cellular only monitored security systems

    I was asked about a security system(monitored) that would alert police if broken in to. The building has power but no internet and is in a remote location. Cell service is decent in the area. Is anybody using a 24/7 system like that? Thanks
  25. c hris527

    Dahua Thermal Cams showing up All over

    I have taken a small vacation to Mystic Connecticut, We went to the Aquarium in Mystic and had to do a pre screening in a room, I noticed the camera was a Dahua, I did not notice the Black box behind me, It might have been there. Next Stop, Fox-woods Casino, They have a few of these scanning...
  26. c hris527

    Honeywell Low System Battery

    Hi Gang, I Know NOTHING about these systems, Its my sisters system, she keeps getting a low bat error, she called Brinks(They are a Joke) and that's another story but They told her to replace the backup battery in her system box in her basement. She asked me to Install it, She ordered it through...
  27. c hris527

    Time warner/Spectrum Switched My System Provider to Brinks

    Myself and My 2 Siblings have or had Spectrum and or Legacy Time Warner home security system for over 10 years, None of us got notified of the sudden change over to Brinks for monitoring. My sister did call Spectrum and they said they did a Robo Call to all security customers about the change...
  28. c hris527

    Complete Dahua Setup Manual (Honeywell)

    I have come across this in the public domain, It is in fact a honeywell manual for Dahua rebranded NVR's, It looks like the older firmware but is chock full of detail in one place with all the NVR settings, they did a REALLY good job with detail, a great guide for all those obscure settings that...
  29. c hris527

    Happy Thanksgiving All

    I'm on my second beer and we did not set the deck on fire with the Turkey fryer, Looking to be a nice Day off.
  30. c hris527

    WeatherStation Buying Advice

    Hi Gang, I know NOTHING about weather stations, I was asked to replace one at one of our satellite facilities, The current system works part time and they are looking to replace it. The current system is a 20 year old Davis system Battery powered., I have looked at them and a few others. I...