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  1. J

    no internet connection

    Hi all I have a problem with one of my ip cameras . it went offline a couple of days ago and i cannot get it back online. so help is needed. the camera is a Qvis ptz i think it is a huisun camera. i have it plugged into my router via ethernet cable and powered by a powerblock. the camera does...
  2. J

    Out with the old one. in with the new.

    Camera that is . so iv'e replaced one.. can you see any difference which do you think is better. there both cheapish cams.i will tell you the makes a bit later,
  3. J

    2,8mm or 3,6mm

    Hi all i hope your all staying safe and well, A quick question i'm putting a new camera near my bird feeders. it's goin to be around 4 to 6 feet away. 7 ft high. what would be the best lens size. i have a choice between the two lens size's. the photo is where the camera is going it's a 2.8mm...
  4. J

    I tip my hat to these guys and girls

    Not much happens were i live, but today it did a building opposite from me as been having a flat roof fixed repaired lagged. first day back on the job for the guys doing the work. i don't know what happened but i assume a spark or something dropped in the place below were they storing the new...
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    Merry XMAS

    MERRY XMAS To you all from me here in the uk.. stay safe
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    Live stream playing fast.

    I have a ipcam ptz with a strange problem. while viewing live in the webbrowser or iphone app or using the rstp for vlc. it plays as though it is 1x times speeded up so basically cars peoples all motion is sligthly faster than it should be at normal speed. i have rebooted added the latest...
  7. J

    Spikes back

    Spike the hog is back although he hasn't really been anywere. he's getting fatter. thats my lazy fat cat she loves sleeping,
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    Unwelcome visitor

    I hope this guy dosen't make a habit of popping round to visit'
  9. J

    night time blur

    Can anyone explain why my night time video's and still pictures are blurry. the settings in the camera are the same in daytime as night time. but the live video seems to be a little bit faster at night is this normal..the cars in the pics are all going at approximately the same speed,
  10. J

    IPCAM fast live feed

    Hi all i hope everyone is staying safe. Right i have a couple of questions maybe someone may be able to help with.. i have a couple of no name ipcams 1 is a 960p and 1 is a 1080p it's supposed to be 5mp but i don't think it is 5mp.the 960p one works ok no problems with it.. but the 1080p one i...
  11. J

    what setting to tone the white colour glare down

    As you can see from the video. the white cockatiel seems to glare in colour more than the other coloured birds. what settings would it be best to change so the white doesn't shine so much. i did try the picture settings but it does seem to change all the colours any tips. apart from remove the...
  12. J


    I'm looking at getting a ptz .i want a dome type that's my choice. it must be at least 4 x zoom 2mp poe and ip and support a sd card. the one in the link below is i think a good choice .. or is they a better one around in the mini series...
  13. J

    should i install a new poe cam

    Iv'e been thinkink[g about replacing my old 720p ptz . it is only used to see who comes through the gates. its just a really cheap cam but it works. so iv'e been thinking about getting a 2mp cam or higher res. but if i'm replacing this cam would i be able to get one that can read number plates ...
  14. J

    having a rest

    A young racing pigeon decided to have a rest at my place lucky for it i do have some pigeon corn. the cheeky sod must have told his friends theys food at my place,
  15. J


    he's more interested in the cat biccie's than the worm,,
  16. J

    no cherrie's this year fo me

    Just a couple of day's ago my little cherry tree was full of cherrie's i was looking forward to picking a few.. but the blackbirds and starlings beat me to them. oh well they's always next year. i wonder if i'll get any apple's not if the big guy's have they say..
  17. J

    built in mic problem

    Hi all I recently got a new : DH-HAC-HFW2249TP-I8-A its supposed to have a built in mic. this was not the reason i got this cam but i thought it would be a added bonus. anyway when i connected the cam to my Hikvision DVR-104G-F1 4 Channel i cannot get the sound to work. this is what i have...
  18. J

    microphone wind noise

    Hi hope your all staying safe. I recently installed a microseven to my DH-SD42212T-HN camera. and overall i'm really pleased with it.. the sound capture is good maybe a little to good. what i have noticed is a slight buzzing and a bit of wind noise. when viewing on my tv or laptop. so does...
  19. J

    microseven question

    Hi all i hope your all staying safe and well, I've purchased a M 7. i'm just waiting for it to arrive i know it may be a few weeks but no worries. anyway before it come's i have a couple of questions some of you may know the answers to. i'm sure you will. i have a Dahua SD42212T-HN. I have it...
  20. J

    Microphone query

    Hi i hope your all staying safe.. i have a DH-SD42212T-HN..i'm looking to had a microphone to this cam. iv' had a good look round and it seems the best one is the micro 7 . but i cannot get hold of one of these in the uk. so as anyone in the uk fitted any other type of microphone and if yes is...
  21. J


    I would hust like to say a very big thank-you to Andy who as just helped me get some new firmware for my ptz .. his response was very fast and his help spot on.. a amazing guy.. again thankyou Andy ,
  22. J

    Return of spike

    Pleased to see spike is back and he as a lady friend. he's playing it cool.. looks like he like's her,,
  23. J

    SD42212I-HC firmware

    Hi could anyone let me know if they have updated the firmware on this model SD42212I-HC. even if they is a new firmware for this model.. and if they have do you still need a plugin to view in a browser. or did the update solve the plugin problem. thank-you
  24. J

    Help setting up tour times

    Hi everyone Happy new year to you all. I need a bit of help i'm having proper difficulty trying to setup the times to do the tour on my dahua ptz. i thought i'd done everything right but it seems not. iv'e put how i set things up in the pics can anyone see were iv'e gone wrong or know how to set...
  25. J

    PTZ Questions

    Hi all merry xmas to you all I have a couple of questions about my ptz that i think can someone can let me know if it will work before i spend hours trying out .. no 1 if i set my cam to go from A to B and stay in position B for 1 hour. and then go back to A and stay they for 1 hour. is...
  26. J

    Smart TV

    Hi just wondering if anyone knows how to view a dahua camera on my Smart tv. the tv is connected to the web . i put in my local ip address for the camera. the tv loads the dahua web browser no problem. but on the live view its asking to download the plugin. this is were things go wrong it won't...
  27. J


    I'm looking for a really good micrphone for my sd42212t-hn ptz. as anyone tried this one. and would it work ok with my sd42212t hn,, Dahua DH-HSA200
  28. J

    PTZ presets

    Hi Before i start looking all over youtube i thought i'd ask on here first.. is it possible to have the preset to start tours so that i can set it to go to a preset area from a set position and start at a preset time. and stay focused on that area for a preset time. so say start from set...
  29. J

    Dahua login promt

    Hi does anyone know how to stop the promt login i keep getting on dahua interface. after around 15 minutes if i haven't used the ptz or other functions i get the login promt is they a way to stop this i cant find it in settings.. and 1 other thing i'm using gdmss lite for away viewing p2p. but...
  30. J

    out with the old in with the new

    As the title says i replaced a existing fixed focal camera for a ptz in my aviary. its a DH-SD42212T-HN 12 times zoom. a lot more than i needed but i got a very good deal so it was a no brainer. i have a few things i could do with some help.. feed back on.. 1 the auto focus is not very good. any...