Blue Iris Tools - Weather Overlay, Watchdog & more!

Blue Iris Tools - Weather Overlay, Watchdog & more! 1.6.0

These people that took over WU suck. First they tried to kill cams outright. That got such an uproar that they reinstated them. BUT, they slowly but surely started killing them off again until now there are only a scant amount of them still working (my son-in-law's and my own cam no longer show even though we are able to upload to them). Now the API stuff. At least my son-in-law's weather station can work without WU. With mine, I'm stuck. There's no way I'm going to keep giving them my data for free though. I'm just going to kill the WU data upload and use Ambient Weather's site. I wish BIT could pull info from Ambient Weather...
Installed BIT a few days ago and worked perfectly. Then stopped working. I saw someone else post Wunderground was down yesterday. I didn't notice that mine was down as it seemed to be updating. Then today BIT says "Error connecting to wunderground. Check your internet connection/station id.
Well someone posted on this thread that Wunderground is shutting down their API.

What happens to BIT now?
I pull from a site that has a lot more data than my weatherstation. I might have to mess with BIT to pull the data from my station.

Any other ideas on what to do?
Following - hope something can be worked-out.
Before BIT, I was using the script below. Of course WU won't work now but I'm getting an error on line 66 using METAR source (used to work). Can anyone help?

'This file pulls XML data from a source, extracts info and writes it to a file.

'METAR example - Vero Beach Airport (KVRB)
strStationID = "KVRB"

'**** If you are using a METAR weather station instead of Weather Underground set METAR = True
'**** METAR weather stations are aviation stations and a 4 characters long
'METAR = False
METAR = True

'choice of values:

'temp_c sample: 10.1
'strValuetoExtract = "/current_observation/temp_c"

'temp_f sample: 50.2
'strValuetoExtract = "/current_observation/temp_f"

'relative_humidity sample: 73
'strValuetoExtract = "/current_observation/relative_humidity"

'wind_string sample: calm
'strValuetoExtract = "/current_observation/wind_string"

'temperature_string sample: 50.2 F (10.1 C)
strValuetoExtract = "/current_observation/temperature_string"

'wind_mph  sample: 0.0
'strValuetoExtract = "/current_observation/wind_mph"

'precip_today_in sample: 0.0
'strValuetoExtract = "/current_observation/precip_today_in"

'precip_today_metic sample: 0.0 cm
'strValuetoExtract = "/current_observation/precip_today_metric"

'windchill_string sample: don't know
'strValuetoExtract = "/current_observation/windchill_string"

'windchill_f sample: don't know
'strValuetoExtract = "/current_observation/windchill_f"

'windchill_c sample: don't know
'strValuetoExtract = "/current_observation/windchill_c"

strFolderName = "c:\"
strFilename = "temperature.txt"

If METAR then
     URL = "" & strStationID & ".xml"
     URL = "" & strStationID
End If

 'You probably do not want to mess with the stuff below this line

Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set http = CreateObject("Microsoft.XmlHttp") "GET", URL , FALSE
http.send ""
'WScript.Echo http.responseText

Set objXmlDoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DomDocument")
objXmlDoc.async = True
objXmlDoc.loadXML http.responseText
If (objXmlDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0) Then
   Dim myErr
   Set myErr = objXmlDoc.parseError
   MsgBox("You have error " & myErr.reason)
   'MsgBox objXmlDoc.xml
End If

set objNode = objXmlDoc.selectSingleNode(strValuetoExtract)
set myFSO=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set WriteStuff = myFSO.CreateTextFile(strFoldername + strFilename,true)

Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\temperature.txt", ForReading)
strFile = objFile.ReadAll

intLength = Len(strFile)
strEnd = Right(strFile, 2)

If strEnd = vbCrLf Then
    strFile = Left(strFile, intLength - 2)
    Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\temperature.txt", ForWriting)
    objFile.Write strFile
End If

set WriteStuff = Nothing
Set myFSO = Nothing
set WshShell = nothing
set http = nothing
set objXmlDoc = Nothing
set objNode = Nothing
I am using a workaround for my Rachio Sprinkler controller that someone came up with and it still appears to be working

The problem was my personal weather station that I wanted to use for 'smart watering' can only upload data to Weather Underground. But, the Rachio can not use Weather Underground stations. So someone came up with a chron job using a free website that copies the data from Weather Underground over to another weather website - that the Rachio controller can use. As of today, I am still getting updates every 5 minutes from Weather Underground


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This is like photobucket fiasco all over again. It seems they want to charge for people to get the weather information now but it doesn't say a price??
I've been playing with dark sky for home automation stuff. Their API works well but I'm not sure if they support personal weather station data.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
My weather station is updating to WU without any issues, but BIT is having issues.

Hopefully something can be resolved, one way or another.

It would be a shame to turn BIT off.
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Hopefully the program can easily be adjusted to use our actual personal API keys to access our station data, that should work.
BIT is not going anywhere, I will release another version that uses a different weather provider.

Let's hear some suggestions regarding free weather API solutions that are readily available for the masses. WU was perfect for this because you didn't even need an API key.
Heck Mike, the watchdog feature you have in BIT is the #1 reason I have it running. Even if the weather thing were to never get sorted out, BIT would still be running on my BI machine just for that single purpose.

That said, Ambient Weather has a free API solution. Of course, it's not "for the masses" as you have to have an Ambient Weather brand weather station to have access to it...
What about weatherflow? Not sure if they have a api but my station sends data to WU. It would be nice to bypass them and send it right to blueiris.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Heck Mike, the watchdog feature you have in BIT is the #1 reason I have it running. Even if the weather thing were to never get sorted out, BIT would still be running on my BI machine just for that single purpose.

+1 ^^^
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BIT is not going anywhere, I will release another version that uses a different weather provider.

Let's hear some suggestions regarding free weather API solutions that are readily available for the masses. WU was perfect for this because you didn't even need an API key.

Hi Mike
Appreciate BIT very much, thank you for the tool. In regards to weather integration I use AcuRite PC Connect. Would be nice to have a option to use that. See screenshot.
Thank you


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I use Darksky in my home automation . 1000 calls per day are free. Darksky
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Hope we have a pws weather overlay solution. I am removing my "dead" overlays for now. I really like the idea of getting data from our own PWS but that may too complicated without a neutral interface. It was nice while it lasted....
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Hope we have a pws weather overlay solution. I am removing my "dead" overlays for now. I really like the idea of getting data from our own PWS but that may too complicated without a neutral interface. It was nice while it lasted....

BIT is not going anywhere, I will release another version that uses a different weather provider. Let's hear some suggestions regarding free weather API solutions that are readily available for the masses. WU was perfect for this because you didn't even need an API key.

For those of us using Davis Instruments equipment, via, we have the option to use their API. Not sure if this helps:
Another option would be to scrape a page, or something similar, that displays summary weather data (like here: Weather Conditions - Mineral, VA - Southside - 900 Mineral AV).

Not sure if those ideas help. I'm not a developer... I work in INFOSEC. ;-)
I am thinking of using wunderground or and scraping the page for the data. Been researching it and it seems like it should work, be stable and not require any API key or anything like that. I plan on diving into testing this weekend.

Anyone care to share a link to their town / city's current weather (particularly outside of the US)? Similar to this
