I just tried with my zip code in that last position, and it matches expectations.
I don't have a weather station, but if there was a low end model that could do temp, wind, humidity I'd consider putting one up just so Blue Iris had accurate and timely updates. WUnderground has been hit of miss with me, with certain "stations" going offline and having to switch to others.
I am thinking of using and scraping the page for the data. Been researching it and it seems like it should work, be stable and not require any API key or anything like that. I plan on diving into testing this weekend.
Anyone care to share a link to their town / city's current weather (particularly outside of the US)? Similar to this
Manhattan, NY Weather Forecast and Conditions - The Weather Channel |
Today’s and tonight’s Manhattan, NY weather forecast, weather conditions and Doppler radar from The Weather Channel and
Anyone care to share a link to their town / city's current weather (particularly outside of the US)? Similar to this
There is a program called, "Weather Display". The plus is that it will save info from a large number of possible PWS including some cheaper ones in a format that you can easily macro into BI. The negative is that it would be an added program always running on your computer.
It was what I used before Mike and BIT.
How would you macro it into BI. Any instructions would be appreciated.
Thank you
Following - hope something can be worked-out.
Before BIT, I was using the script below. Of course WU won't work now but I'm getting an error on line 66 using METAR source (used to work). Can anyone help?
Fixed the script: line6664 should be:
Code:Set http = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")
I created three separate .vbs scripts for temperature, humidity, and wind, and had them generate (using windows task scheduler) three .txt files which are linked to BI Macros.
See the resulting display @
Code:'This file pulls XML data from a source, extracts info and writes it to a file. 'METAR example - Vero Beach Airport (KVRB) strStationID = "KVRB" '**** If you are using a METAR weather station instead of Weather Underground set METAR = True '**** METAR weather stations are aviation stations and a 4 characters long 'METAR = False METAR = True 'choice of values: 'temp_c sample: 10.1 'strValuetoExtract = "/current_observation/temp_c" 'temp_f sample: 50.2 'strValuetoExtract = "/current_observation/temp_f" 'relative_humidity sample: 73 'strValuetoExtract = "/current_observation/relative_humidity" 'wind_string sample: calm 'strValuetoExtract = "/current_observation/wind_string" 'temperature_string sample: 50.2 F (10.1 C) strValuetoExtract = "/current_observation/temperature_string" 'wind_mph sample: 0.0 'strValuetoExtract = "/current_observation/wind_mph" 'precip_today_in sample: 0.0 'strValuetoExtract = "/current_observation/precip_today_in" 'precip_today_metic sample: 0.0 cm 'strValuetoExtract = "/current_observation/precip_today_metric" 'windchill_string sample: don't know 'strValuetoExtract = "/current_observation/windchill_string" 'windchill_f sample: don't know 'strValuetoExtract = "/current_observation/windchill_f" 'windchill_c sample: don't know 'strValuetoExtract = "/current_observation/windchill_c" strFolderName = "c:\" strFilename = "temperature.txt" If METAR then URL = "" & strStationID & ".xml" Else URL = "" & strStationID End If 'You probably do not want to mess with the stuff below this line Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set http = CreateObject("Microsoft.XmlHttp") "GET", URL , FALSE http.send "" 'WScript.Echo http.responseText Set objXmlDoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DomDocument") objXmlDoc.async = True objXmlDoc.loadXML http.responseText If (objXmlDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0) Then Dim myErr Set myErr = objXmlDoc.parseError MsgBox("You have error " & myErr.reason) Else 'MsgBox objXmlDoc.xml End If set objNode = objXmlDoc.selectSingleNode(strValuetoExtract) set myFSO=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") set WriteStuff = myFSO.CreateTextFile(strFoldername + strFilename,true) WriteStuff.WriteLine(objNode.Text) WriteStuff.Close Const ForReading = 1 Const ForWriting = 2 Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\temperature.txt", ForReading) strFile = objFile.ReadAll objFile.Close intLength = Len(strFile) strEnd = Right(strFile, 2) If strEnd = vbCrLf Then strFile = Left(strFile, intLength - 2) Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\temperature.txt", ForWriting) objFile.Write strFile objFile.Close End If set WriteStuff = Nothing Set myFSO = Nothing set WshShell = nothing set http = nothing set objXmlDoc = Nothing set objNode = Nothing
I was looking at them a year or so ago online..I don't have a weather station, but if there was a low end model that could do temp, wind, humidity I'd consider putting one up just so Blue Iris had accurate and timely updates. WUnderground has been hit of miss with me, with certain "stations" going offline and having to switch to others.
Do all weather stations work on all sites? I'm looking at getting one too, but want to buy something that will be compatible with BI and some home automation stuff.I was looking at them a year or so ago online..
Shop | Weather Stations
I have no idea.Do all weather stations work on all sites? I'm looking at getting one too, but want to buy something that will be compatible with BI and some home automation stuff.
Post some URL's to wunderground weather data for your PWS that are outside of the US.
I am thinking of using and scraping the page for the data. Been researching it and it seems like it should work, be stable and not require any API key or anything like that. I plan on diving into testing this weekend.
Anyone care to share a link to their town / city's current weather (particularly outside of the US)? Similar to this
Manhattan, NY Weather Forecast and Conditions - The Weather Channel |
Today’s and tonight’s Manhattan, NY weather forecast, weather conditions and Doppler radar from The Weather Channel and
I am thinking of using and scraping the page for the data. Been researching it and it seems like it should work, be stable and not require any API key or anything like that. I plan on diving into testing this weekend.
Anyone care to share a link to their town / city's current weather (particularly outside of the US)? Similar to this
Manhattan, NY Weather Forecast and Conditions - The Weather Channel |
Today’s and tonight’s Manhattan, NY weather forecast, weather conditions and Doppler radar from The Weather Channel and