Hi Edcfish,
I did try using SiteShoter (that was one of the image parsing apps I tried first) ... because it captures a web page using IE (basically a web screen shot) - it had a lot of erroneous extra padding (see sample below)
View attachment 53991
As you can see, a whole lot of extra padding. I did instruct it to remove the toolbars - and I know you can crop the image... but like a lot of other people on this board - I am looking for the semi-easy route. I don't want to have to figure out all the X,Y coordinates. After 30+ years of being in the computer hobby, I once would have grabbed this by the horns and wrote my own code to parse the page and grab the .jpg -- but I have a honey do list that takes priority these days... seems like when you have too many high-tech toys you spend your entire free time updating / upgrading and performing general maintenance (on top of the other real-world activities) and just when you think you're done -- it's time to start all over again

I really appreciate your response however, and if a simple solution doesn't manifest in the near future - maybe I'll get ambitious and start pixel counting lol.