I agree with you 100 percent.
Anyone who says otherwise. Is trying to sell you the "Brooklyn Bridge", while simultaneously trying to claim they are clairvoyant on what future firmware releases will and won't include for the short and long term future, as well. Don't drink their Kool-Aid!
Here are a list of the recent ("Documented") firmware changes for NVR/DVR 3.3.1 and IP Cameras 5.3.0:
People who are trying to make U.S. versions run on Chinese region IP Cameras should be commended for that. The same cannot be said about statements being made that "5.3.0 or newer versions of firmware have no value and therefore nobody needs or will ever need to upgrade".
If that was truly the case. Then no attempt should be made to work on creating a version of firmware for Chinese region IP Cameras for 5.3.x. or any other future firmware version.
Ego never trumps logic. Better to say "Currently we are working on a 5.3.x firmware version that can be used on Chinese region IP Cameras. We are not there yet, but hope to be there soon" vs. not owning up to the facts that there are valuable changes in the 5.3.x that even exceed security fixes. The link above proves that and it only covers documented firmware changes.
Just because a kluged version of 5.3.x is not yet ready for Chinese region IP Cameras does not justify those making false statements and unsubstantiated claims, that not only is there no reason to upgrade to 5.3.x firmware, but there are no valid reasons to upgrade to ("any") firmware version in the short or long term.
I call statements like that, to be going well and way beyond, a little white lie indeed, based on EGO alone without any supporting facts.
One can't have it both ways. One can try, but it in the end, it makes one look silly at best, while trying.
If there are no reasons to upgrade to 5.3.x and future firmware versions? Then stop wasting time trying to create a kludged 5.3.x firmware version that can be used on IP Cameras with a Chinese region ("Since it would be worthless anyway") or own up to the fact that there are valid reasons to upgrade to 5.3.x and future firmware versions and that you are working on getting that done for IP Cameras with a Chinese region. But you're just not there yet.
Additionally. It sure couldn't hurt to create a "Black List" of what sellers are selling Hikvision IP Cameras as U.S. region versions that are really Chinese region versions and where. So that those people who want to freely be able to upgrade firmware as needed and are willing to pay the price for that. Know what sellers to avoid.
Why that's not being done now amazes me. Why there is not also some "White List" of what sellers to trust to buy real U.S. Hikvision region IP Cameras is just as equally amazing.
It would appear that there are not enough posts here yet from people who wanted U.S. region IP Cameras and got rolled instead by sellers and got Chinese region IP cameras instead to justify any white and black lists being created here.