Check to see if you got an email in the send account saying that for security reasons the access from the nvr was blocked. Don't forget, the send email relies on the proper password for that email account too. Check that. But because the send email account must have the password set in the nvr, it's best to create a new gmail account only for that purpose and not have the send account in the nvr a personal often used account. Keep your receive accounts for anyone, in the nvr. But make the send account isolated and specific - not your personal email accounts.Does anyone have their NVR email setup through Gmail? I can't get my email to work with the following setup
- SMTP server:
- Port: 465
- Encryption type: SSL
I am using a gmail account without 2-step authentication. The "Test" option failed with "Test Error"
Does anyone have their NVR email setup through Gmail? I can't get my email to work with the following setup
- SMTP server:
- Port: 465
- Encryption type: SSL
I am using a gmail account without 2-step authentication. The "Test" option failed with "Test Error"
I am using a newly created gmail account for this purpose. I enabled the following option on the new account and it works.
Allow less secure apps: ON
Some apps and devices use less secure sign-in technology, which could leave your account vulnerable. You can turn off access for these apps (which we recommend) or choose to use them despite the risks.Thanks!
I don't think you can disable that particular email from being sent. I setup a rule in my Google account to automatically delete emails that contained that text.I received msgs for both "Alarm Event: Motion Detect" and "Alarm Event: Motion Detect Clear". How do I disable the Motion Detect Clear msg?
I got 2 issues maybe someone can help. Out of 6 cams the thumbnail quality of one cameras SD49225T-HN isn't as clear as the other and the text even looks different.
Second issue I have 2 cams that don't seem to give a live stream until there is motion. It's like they are in standby mode.
This is only an issue that appears on the NVR. Both camera are set to record continuously. I have also rebooted the NVR. What strange is after a reboot or moving the screens around the 2 camera stay at a black screen until the first initial motion is detected.
In blue Iris the image and the streams are fine.
Bottom Left Bad Quality
This is something I'm interested in also, but haven't gotten around to.I am planning on installing some internal cameras and was wondering what would be the easiest way to kill recording of the internal cameras when we are home.
Was thinking I could get my home automation controller (TBC) to simply make the HTTP call and stop the NVR from recording.. this might be easier than finding out the API call to the POE switch (if it even has one) to kill power to the port (if it's even possible).
I am tempted to buy this NVR, but most likely the non POE version, just following this (and the other thread) closely regarding the random reboots...
In the meantime, I have had a quick look through the Dahua API manual and just wanted to confirm my understanding:
SetRecordModeConfig can be used to "0: automatically record" (assuming this works based on your set schedule), and "2: stop record." (ie stop recording, even if the schedule had set it to record).
I am planning on installing some internal cameras and was wondering what would be the easiest way to kill recording of the internal cameras when we are home.
Was thinking I could get my home automation controller (TBC) to simply make the HTTP call and stop the NVR from recording.. this might be easier than finding out the API call to the POE switch (if it even has one) to kill power to the port (if it's even possible).
Does anyone here do anything smart / similar like that (perhaps @nayr)?
My NVR has the PoE ports but I'm not using them, I'm running a separate PoE switch. It's definitely the sub stream because if I turn off the sub stream setting on the WebUI then I get no video on the NVR at all.
how are you adding your cameras to the recorder? they should all be substreams when in a grid and switch to main stream when you go full screen
1. Hate to break it to you but its gonna suck from linux, you'll be better off running a dedicated monitor for the NVR.. The Chrome App might work basically, havent tried it from a Linux Desktop.