Greetings from Australia!
I have a DS-7608NI-I28P NVR that a few days ago I decided to do a firmware update on. And, given that I am writing this post, it should be obvious that it did not go as expected.
I followed the Hikvision doco, doing a factory defaults reset and also disabled the wizard and password checkboxes before I begun.
The update seemed to go okay, but after the restart the username box was full of gibberish and the system would not accept my password. It would appear that during the update the database was corrupted, so now I have a non usable NVR.
SADPT can see the NVR on its default IP address of and shows that it is active with version 4.50 installed. Cannot login there or via the web page.
So... I decided to follow the recommendations here and use serial and
TFTP to load v4.22, in the hope of resolving this issue.
I'm having the same issue!
DS-7608NI-I2/8P, Tried updating firmware on 21/9/21 from (v3.4.93 build 170714) to (v4.51.007 build 210818) not sure what region I used at the time

, possibly global / EU? as I didn't find any on the Australian site?
It completed 100%, then it restarted and the screen shows jibberish user logins and my password doesn't work on any of them.

Using SADP program my NVR is visible showing ip (was using before the update) and firmware v4.51.007
Tried password reset with emails back and forth with hik support Australia using reset key / xml files and said it was successful but trying to login still fails ( still all jibberish user accounts ), they are unwilling to help further.
A few days later of web research and here I am, discovering these TFTP and TTL options.
You got your unit working again, What was your firmware region & version before and after?
Is there a preferred / easier method between using TFTP and or TTL? Ive seen articles not mention any USB connections and just doing it over the network / ethernet?
My NVR is packed tight in a rack with 24 port switch etc Prefer not to pull it all out if its not necessary.
I raided my electronics cupboard anyway and found these two, hopefully one will do the job If the USB connection part is necessary or the preferred option?
1x USB to TTL board, bafang motor programming cable
1x FTDI232 board

Looking forward to hopefully fixing this mess and getting things back to normal!
{edited 26/9/21}
Never mind, I figured it out using a few of the posts / guides I found round the interwebs including some from here.
Gave it a go and got it working without the serial cables. ( used the hikvision-tftpd on github )
So far all appears to be going well, NVR seems to be faster and more responsive, running version 4.51.007