This is the log of boot
U-Boot 2010.06-svn23323 (Jul 19 2018 - 09:54:00)[V1.4.5]
*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment
Hit ctrl+u to stop autoboot: 0
### CRAMFS load complete: 3122232 bytes loaded to 0x82000000
## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 82000000 ...
Loading Kernel Image ... OK
Starting kernel ...
Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel.
Wed Dec 22 19:26:01 UTC 2021
Starting udev: [ OK ]
sdbg: serverip:
fastboot is
language is 1
devtype is a807
----------<1> tar guir webs ----------
BusyBox v1.2.1 Protect Shell (psh)
Enter 'help' for a list of davinci system commands.
# ----------<2> show logo ----------
chmod: /dev/ttyS3: No such file or directory
read: pDevCfg->cfgHead.paraVersionis [0x170816];
read: iCkSum is [0x82d]; pDevCfg->cfgHead.paraChecksum is [0x82d]
scriptCmd: ./load3520dv300 -i 0.
a is a807
mmz allot OK DS_7208HGH_F1_20D_v300_4Mux
* Board tools : ver0.0.1_20121120 *
[debug]: {source/utils/cmdshell.c:166}cmdstr:himm
0x120f0000: 0x00000001 --> 0x00000001
* Board tools : ver0.0.1_20121120 *
[debug]: {source/utils/cmdshell.c:166}cmdstr:himm
0x120f0048: 0x00000001 --> 0x00000001
* Board tools : ver0.0.1_20121120 *
[debug]: {source/utils/cmdshell.c:166}cmdstr:himm
0x120400b4: 0x00000035 --> 0x00000035
check adNum tp2802:0,tp2806:0,tp2822:0,tp2823:0,tp2824:0,tp2833C:2,tw2964:0 tw2968:0 nvp6114a:0 nvp6124b:0
cmdBuf:insmod extdrv/tp2823.ko gpioType=0
[ 16.871974]
[ 16.871974] [HIKI2C_STATIS]WARNING:i2c-0 operation too often(real:576 max:576)!!!
insert audio
load K56 ok
----------<4> del no use res ----------
iSCSI daemon with pid=1069 started!start savelog proc!!!!!
file:src/pal_api.c,line:426, pal_module_init successfully
[INFO]get_flash_cards_info()408:ignore [msmouse].
can not find any usb device!
[CRIT]read_execl_guide_cfg()1161:get flash cards info failed. iRet[-1]
read execl guide cfg failed. iRet[-1]file:src/pal_api.c,line:389, pal_module_init has been called
t1: wait storage [2] and gui[2] and hicore[2] and ipcm[0] and toolserver[0]
remove error
fun:hisi_watchdog_init, line:3673 hisi_watchdog_init(/dev/watchdog, 27) ok iDogTimeOut:25 Sec!
init_global_error_lib/, init_global_error_lib start!
init_lzma_mem alloc size 1048576
[DHCP] default pIpAddr:, pNetMask:
INFO : sys_manage_filefd_init() :5066:sys_manage_filefd_init OK!
fun:hisi_dsp_init, line:2208 --------------init dsp --------------------
fun:hisi_main_dsp_init, line:1506 Device Main Vo Chan is 2[0]
menuDispChan = 0
g_pDspInitPara->exNetPoolMain.vAddr =0xb2fa4008
g_pDspInitPara->exNetPoolMain.totalLen =0x80000
g_pDspInitPara->exRecPool[0].strAddr[0].vAddr =0xb2ee2000
g_pDspInitPara->exRecPool[0].strAddr[0].totalLen =0xc0000
* [HI3531] DSP Build Time: [Aug 28 2018 16:33:27] * sizeof(DSPINITPARA) 3106488 viType=61 aiType=14,support720:0 bDvs 0
--bSupportZeroEncode=0 maxD1EncChns=4 NetOsdType=2 dspIdx=0 boardType=27 boardTypeEx=0 machineType=0xa807 dispMode=5 menuDispChan 0 bSupportHalf:1 decMode:1 bNvpAutoDetect:0 --
--encChanCnt=8 decChanCnt=8 dispChanCnt=3,IpcChanCnt = 0, dspIdx=0,shipin7AesCnt 1-packetType 0x5,subPacketType 0x4 rtpPackLen:1376--voStandard:2
Func:checkAd line 351 check adNum tp2802:0,tp2806:0,tp2822:0,tp2823:0,tp2824:0,tp2833C:2
Func:checkAd line 353 check adNum tw2964:0,tw2968:0,nvp6114a:0,nvp6124b:0,nvp6134:0,nvp6134b:0
TVI Share Param bCompatibility:0
TVI Share Param bHGH:0
--reserved:[0] = 0,[1] = 0,[2] = 0,[3] = 0,[4] = 0,[5] = 0,[6] = 0,[7] = 0,[8] = 0,[9] = 0,[10] = 0,[11] = 0,[12] = 0,[13] = 0,[14] = 0,[15] = 0,[16] = 0,[17] = 0,[18] = 0,
--bdvs=0 audioChanCnt 1 audioAdType 27--
--pDspInitPara->tviShareParam.bG711A=0 --
--audio encode & decode type is G711_U --
--talkBackType=0 , old talktype 0x7110, device_info=0--
bHaveCvbsVo = 0
dispchan0:1 viChnCas:1 voDevCas:7 dispchan_1:0 viChnCas2 voDevCas:8
!!!!!!DSP Idx:0
StopVoOutput HD
NoAnalogChanCntStat, line 228, closeChanCnt 0
--------vcaChanNum 0----ViCloseChanCnt:0------
func:InitSys, line:593, vcaChanNum 0
armNeedBufLen = 0 bEnableCache=0
Src packetType=0x5 subPacketType=0x4 RecStoreType=0x1 NetStoreType=0x4 SubRecStoreType=0x0 SubNetStoreType=0x4
----------HI_MPI_SYS_MmzAlloc ok!!!!!!!!!!
##shipin 7 plug initing...##
InitAudio aiType = 14 bExtendAi=0 analogAiMask =0 extendAiMask=0
chan=0 aiDev=1 aiChan=0 bHaveAnalogAudio = 1 bHaveExAudio=0
chan=1 aiDev=1 aiChan=1 bHaveAnalogAudio = 1 bHaveExAudio=0
chan=2 aiDev=1 aiChan=2 bHaveAnalogAudio = 1 bHaveExAudio=0
chan=3 aiDev=1 aiChan=3 bHaveAnalogAudio = 1 bHaveExAudio=0
chan=4 aiDev=1 aiChan=4 bHaveAnalogAudio = 1 bHaveExAudio=0
chan=5 aiDev=1 aiChan=5 bHaveAnalogAudio = 1 bHaveExAudio=0
chan=6 aiDev=1 aiChan=6 bHaveAnalogAudio = 1 bHaveExAudio=0
chan=7 aiDev=1 aiChan=7 bHaveAnalogAudio = 1 bHaveExAudio=0
config ai sample rate 1
aoChan=0 aoDev=0 aoTrack=0 aoTrackCnt=1 aoTrack=0
aoChan=1 aoDev=0 aoTrack=0 aoTrackCnt=1 aoTrack=1
aoChan=2 aoDev=1 aoTrack=0 aoTrackCnt=2 aoTrack=0
aoChan=2 aoDev=1 aoTrack=1 aoTrackCnt=2 aoTrack=1
talkBack aiChan = 0
[0]g722 resample alloc buf size:4032 0x2d0c8c8 inputsize:1280 outputsize:660
[1]g722 resample alloc buf size:4032 0x2d0e980 inputsize:1280 outputsize:660
[2]g722 resample alloc buf size:4032 0x2d10a38 inputsize:1280 outputsize:660
-----------Init g726 dec audio,mem size 0xf8 reserved frm len 0
[0]G722 in_frame_size 1280
[1]G722 in_frame_size 1280
[2]G722 in_frame_size 1280
[3]G722 in_frame_size 1280
[4]G722 in_frame_size 1280
[5]G722 in_frame_size 1280
[6]G722 in_frame_size 1280
[7]G722 in_frame_size 1280
InitAudio ok!!!
[InitVi] viType 61, encChanCnt = 8
InitViChnAbility chan:0 AppAbility:0
InitViChnAbility chan:1 AppAbility:0
InitViChnAbility chan:2 AppAbility:0
InitViChnAbility chan:3 AppAbility:0
InitViChnAbility chan:4 AppAbility:0
InitViChnAbility chan:5 AppAbility:0
InitViChnAbility chan:6 AppAbility:0
InitViChnAbility chan:7 AppAbility:0
chan = 0 videv = 0,vichn = 0
chan:0 IsViClosed:0
chan = 1 videv = 0,vichn = 1
chan:1 IsViClosed:0
chan = 2 videv = 0,vichn = 2
chan:2 IsViClosed:0
chan = 3 videv = 0,vichn = 3
chan:3 IsViClosed:0
chan = 4 videv = 1,vichn = 4
chan:4 IsViClosed:0
chan = 5 videv = 1,vichn = 5
chan:5 IsViClosed:0
chan = 6 videv = 1,vichn = 6
chan:6 IsViClosed:0
chan = 7 videv = 1,vichn = 7
chan:7 IsViClosed:0
voStandard = 2, boardtype = 27
[InitViTp2802] init Tp2802 ok,portStaticMode:1 bWD1Double:2
initial 720P_F_N_AD OK !
vpssParam.u32MaxW:960 vpssParam.u32MaxH:1080
1-----------initvpss grp:0
=== s32ChnId 0 chan 0
1-----------initvpss grp:1
=== s32ChnId 0 chan 1
1-----------initvpss grp:2
=== s32ChnId 0 chan 2
1-----------initvpss grp:3
=== s32ChnId 0 chan 3
1-----------initvpss grp:4
=== s32ChnId 0 chan 4
1-----------initvpss grp:5
=== s32ChnId 0 chan 5
1-----------initvpss grp:6
=== s32ChnId 0 chan 6
1-----------initvpss grp:7
=== s32ChnId 0 chan 7
3-----------initvpss grp:8 Vpss Max W H 1920 1088
4-----------initvpss grp:80
[InitVi] init video input device and channel ok
[InitDecoder] start init decoder decChanCnt = 8
Alloc Mem For Reserver PlayBack BlkSize=204800
initPlayBackEnc OK! chan=65 VeChn=65
--<initPlayBack>SrcDecChn=0 SrcEncChn=65 DstDecChn=9 bDstDecChnMuxed=0--
[InitDecoder] OK
[InitIpcDecoder] start init decoder shipin7AesCnt = 1, ipcChanCnt = 0, sp7ChanCnt = 10
FUNC GetNetPoolAttr line 1054 chanMode=5 err
[InitIPC] OK
17----InitDecVpssModule-----initvpss grp:9
17----InitDecVpssModule-----initvpss grp:10
17----InitDecVpssModule-----initvpss grp:11
17----InitDecVpssModule-----initvpss grp:12
17----InitDecVpssModule-----initvpss grp:13
17----InitDecVpssModule-----initvpss grp:14
17----InitDecVpssModule-----initvpss grp:15
17----InitDecVpssModule-----initvpss grp:16
InitDecVpssModule complete!
* Func: InitAes, phCipher = 0x640001 ok*
init ENC_OSD u32Size=4599808
init disp_OSD u32Size=737280
InitLogoMem u32Size=2097152
--i:0 virtRgbAddr:ab824000 menuBufSize 4608000
--InitJpgSnap Que Venc For VI_ENC_JPG:0
InitJpgSnap Que Venc For DEC_ENC_JPG:1
12---------initvpss grp:17
12---------initvpss grp:18
13---------initvpss grp:81
<InitJpgSnap> heatPool PoolID=12 size=622080
* Fun: InitEncode, start *
9---------initvpss grp:19
chan: 0 bindVpssForMinorVi: 19
chan: 0 bStaticMode: 0
9---------initvpss grp:20
chan: 1 bindVpssForMinorVi: 20
chan: 1 bStaticMode: 0
9---------initvpss grp:21
chan: 2 bindVpssForMinorVi: 21
chan: 2 bStaticMode: 0
9---------initvpss grp:22
chan: 3 bindVpssForMinorVi: 22
chan: 3 bStaticMode: 0
9---------initvpss grp:23
chan: 4 bindVpssForMinorVi: 23
chan: 4 bStaticMode: 0
9---------initvpss grp:24
chan: 5 bindVpssForMinorVi: 24
chan: 5 bStaticMode: 0
9---------initvpss grp:25
chan: 6 bindVpssForMinorVi: 25
chan: 6 bStaticMode: 0
9---------initvpss grp:26
chan: 7 bindVpssForMinorVi: 26
chan: 7 bStaticMode: 0
Func: InitEncode, end
Func: InitVo, viType:61,dispMode:5 start
InitVo voDev = 0, 1
### 1 ###
###InitVoDev 0
[InitVoDev] voDev 0, bHD 1, vgaType 130
Func: GetVoCfg_HD, voDev 0,type 130 u32Width 1280, u32Height 1024 intfType=0x24
voDev 0, voLayer 0, enPartMode 1
StartVoVideoLayer, VOLayer 0
Func: GetVoCfg_HD, voDev 0,type 130 u32Width 1280, u32Height 1024 intfType=0x24
-----------start hdmi ----------------------------------
Func SetLayerBind, Layer 0, return
StartPipLayer menuDispChan 0
stImageSize u32Width=320 u32Height=256
Func: InitVo, start OK
init encoder 10
Func:RECODE_init, init vpss 27
init encoder 11
Func:RECODE_init, init vpss 28
init encoder 12
Func:RECODE_init, init vpss 29
init encoder 13
Func:RECODE_init, init vpss 30
[### InitIAD ok! ###]
smd g_pDspInitPara->tviShareParam.SmdNum is 0, SCD g_pDspInitPara->tviShareParam.IntelligentNum = 0
<DSP>vca DspVcaInitOsd OK!
<DSP>vca Init vca success
<DSP>vca DspVcaInitMetaDataPack: ok
<DSP>vca DspVcaScdInit chanNum = 0
<DSP>vca DspVcaScdInit OK!
[dsp_smartH264Init]done...ret 0
pid:1075 tid:1172 name:TskPTZFrqSyn
Func: GetVoCfg_HD, voDev 0,type 130 u32Width 1280, u32Height 1024 intfType=0x24
pid:1075 tid:1135 name:TskProcessAudio
pid:1075 tid:1161 name:dspOsdRefresh
pid:1075 tid:1139 name:OutputVideoPro0
pid:1075 tid:1141 name:OutputVideoPro1
pid:1075 tid:1143 name:OutputVideoPro2
pid:1075 tid:1145 name:OutputVideoPro3
pid:1075 tid:1147 name:OutputVideoPro4
pid:1075 tid:1149 name:OutputVideoPro5
pid:1075 tid:1151 name:OutputVideoPro6
pid:1075 tid:1153 name:OutputVideoPro7
pid:1075 tid:1167 name:dspAllChnStream
<tsk_SendFrmToPBEnc> PoolID=31 bufnum=2
pid:1075 tid:1155 name:SendFrmToPBEnc
pid:1075 tid:1156 name:ReverseEncFrame
pid:1075 tid:1157 name

pid:1075 tid:1158 name:SendDecToVpss
pid:1075 tid:1162 name:dspOsdColor
pid:1075 tid:1159 name:dspDownIPCStream10
pid:1075 tid:1163 name:dspMd
pid:1075 tid:1168 name:dspPeriod
pid:1075 tid:1138 name:dspDownStream0
pid:1075 tid:1140 name:dspDownStream1
pid:1075 tid:1142 name:dspDownStream2
pid:1075 tid:1144 name:dspDownStream3
pid:1075 tid:1146 name:dspDownStream4
pid:1075 tid:1148 name:dspDownStream5
pid:1075 tid:1150 name:dspDownStream6
pid:1075 tid:1152 name:dspDownStream7
pid:1075 tid:1154 name

<TskGetDecPic> PoolID=32 size=622080
pid:1075 tid:1160 name:ZeroDecStream
pid:1075 tid:1169 name:tskGetVcaAiData
pid:1075 tid:1170 name:tskProcessVcaAiData
pid:1075 tid:1164 name:dspCd
pid:1075 tid:1165 name:TskProcEncJpeg
pid:1075 tid:1136 name:vidDetectmix
<videoFormatProcess> chan 0, TVI video frm 0 can't find in table. adType:0
<videoFormatProcess> chan 1, TVI video frm 0 can't find in table. adType:0
<videoFormatProcess> chan 2, TVI video frm 0 can't find in table. adType:0
<videoFormatProcess> chan 3, TVI video frm 0 can't find in table. adType:0
<videoFormatProcess> chan 4, TVI video frm 0 can't find in table. adType:0
<videoFormatProcess> chan 5, TVI video frm 0 can't find in table. adType:0
<videoFormatProcess> chan 6, TVI video frm 0 can't find in table. adType:0
<videoFormatProcess> chan 7, TVI video frm 0 can't find in table. adType:0
pid:1075 tid:1137 name:tskTp2802GetPtzData
stopHDMI ok!
Func: GetVoCfg_HD, voDev 0,type 130 u32Width 1280, u32Height 1024 intfType=0x24
voDev 0, voLayer 0, enPartMode 1
StartVoVideoLayer, VOLayer 0
stImageSize u32Width=320 u32Height=256
Func: GetVoCfg_HD, voDev 0,type 130 u32Width 1280, u32Height 1024 intfType=0x24
-----------start hdmi ----------------------------------
* InitDsp OK*****
func HostDecSetAbility set dec ability 55296000

************g_pDspInitPara[0xb4a4d008], menuShareBuf 0[0xb4abcffc, pAddr=0x95f8b000, vAddr=0xab824000, w:1920,h1200,p:1920] 1[0xb4abd010, pAddr=0x0, vAddr=0x0, w:0,h0,p:0],
main : HIKIO_FREE_LOGO_BUFF failed errno = 38.
hisi_freelogo_buffer is succsse 0
fun:hisi_dsp_init, line:2229 ------ dsp is init Ok iRetVal:0---------
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DSP Init Ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Func]:HI_MPI_HDMI_GenEvent [Line]:113 [Info]:HDMI EVENT TYPE:0x11
orgHdmiVoChanIdx 0
fun:hisi_fill_8_screen_param, line:1711 window dispInfo[w:1280, h:1024], step(320, 256), last(320, 256)
fun:hisi_fill_8_screen_param, line:1711 window dispInfo[w:704, h:576], step(176, 144), last(176, 144)
[HostAllocDispRegion ] bHaveCvbsVo = 0 ,not support
[SetEncDspDisp] bHaveCvbsVo = 0,chan=0 dispChan=2 not support
[SetEncDspDisp] bHaveCvbsVo = 0,chan=1 dispChan=2 not support
[SetEncDspDisp] bHaveCvbsVo = 0,chan=2 dispChan=2 not support
[SetEncDspDisp] bHaveCvbsVo = 0,chan=3 dispChan=2 not support
[SetEncDspDisp] bHaveCvbsVo = 0,chan=4 dispChan=2 not support
[SetEncDspDisp] bHaveCvbsVo = 0,chan=5 dispChan=2 not support
[SetEncDspDisp] bHaveCvbsVo = 0,chan=6 dispChan=2 not support
[SetEncDspDisp] bHaveCvbsVo = 0,chan=7 dispChan=2 not support
wait storage [2] and gui[2]
------------> pthreadSpawn handle_pppoe_cfg_cmd
err! setW:960 setH:1080 imgW:1280 imgH:720
err! setW:960 setH:1080 imgW:1280 imgH:720
==============proc_cmd_data start iSock [253]
remove pppoed!
==================enablePPPoE failed!!!
t1: wait storage [0] and gui[2] and hicore[0] and ipcm[0] and toolserver[0]
wait storage [0] and gui[2]
t1: wait storage [0] and gui[2] and hicore[0] and ipcm[0] and toolserver[0]
standard: u32Luma = 50, u32Contrast = 50, u32Saturation = 50, u32Hue = 50, u32Gain = 20
HostSetAudioVolume chan:2,open:1,level:3,volume:50
HostSetAudioVolume chan:0,open:1,level:3,volume:50
maxIPCcount[8] maxAnalogCount[8]
err! setW:960 setH:1080 imgW:1280 imgH:720
err! setW:960 setH:1080 imgW:1280 imgH:720
err! setW:960 setH:1080 imgW:1280 imgH:720
err! setW:960 setH:1080 imgW:1280 imgH:720
err! setW:960 setH:1080 imgW:1280 imgH:720
err! setW:960 setH:1080 imgW:1280 imgH:720
err! setW:960 setH:1080 imgW:1280 imgH:720
### key info: [ipcm_svc_init]ipcm svc inited. ###
big_bit_mask p[0xa8de5800], idx[-1] error!func[big_bit_mask],line[63]
err! setW:960 setH:1080 imgW:1280 imgH:720
err! setW:960 setH:1080 imgW:1280 imgH:720
err! setW:960 setH:1080 imgW:1280 imgH:720
err! setW:960 setH:1080 imgW:1280 imgH:720
err! setW:960 setH:1080 imgW:1280 imgH:720
err! setW:960 setH:1080 imgW:1280 imgH:720
SendSnmpTrapMsg(eSnmpTrapType trapType)
@@@@do not need poc test@@@@
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!sc_hicore is start ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
vqd_init: HIKVQD_GetMemSize succeed, i = 0 size = 512 space = 3
vqd_init: HIKVQD_GetMemSize succeed, i = 1 size = 1183744 space = 3
VQD VER: 1.0.8 DATE: 2016.12.13
10---------initvpss grp:90
HostInitVQD!!!OK!!m_i_vqdInitProcW==704,m_i_vqdInitProcH==576,m_i_vqdInitAbility==7,m_i_vqdInitValidNum==8 m_b_vqdUseSrcVi=0!!!
HostStartPollingVQD: ---OK!!!g_i_vqdEnable==1!!!g_i_vqdHostInterval=180
[12-22 19:26:33][3][1261]RemoteSession::~RemoteSession()
[12-22 19:26:33][3][1261]RemoteSession::Free
[12-22 19:26:33][3][1261]RemoteSession::~RemoteSession()
[12-22 19:26:33][3][1261]RemoteSession::Free
[12-22 19:26:33][3][1261]RemoteSession::~RemoteSession()
[12-22 19:26:33][3][1261]RemoteSession::Free
[12-22 19:26:33][3][1261]RemoteSession::~RemoteSession()
[12-22 19:26:33][3][1261]RemoteSession::Free
[12-22 19:26:33][1][1261]p2pLinkManage Destruct Ok
[12-22 19:26:33][3][1261]RemoteSession::~RemoteSession()
[12-22 19:26:33][3][1261]RemoteSession::Free
[12-22 19:26:33][3][1261]RemoteSession::~RemoteSession()
[12-22 19:26:33][3][1261]RemoteSession::Free
[12-22 19:26:33][3][1261]RemoteSession::~RemoteSession()
[12-22 19:26:33][3][1261]RemoteSession::Free
[12-22 19:26:33][3][1261]RemoteSession::~RemoteSession()
[12-22 19:26:33][3][1261]RemoteSession::Free
[12-22 19:26:33][2][1284]check remote session thread begin
pid:1075 tid:1283 name:tskVqdProcess
read_rs485: recv data 0
Device Is Ready
$$$$$$$$$$$$$ iAoChans[4] $$$$$$$$$$$$$
func HostDecSetAbility set dec ability 207360000
flash mtdblock0 maybe unormal
write tar cfg to first 64k fail
flash mtdblock0 maybe unormal
write tar cfg to second 64k fail
flash mtdblock0 maybe unormal
write tar cfg to third 64k fail
# # help
Support Commands:
GetAnrCfgInfo GetAnrProcess GetAnrRecordList
ShowIpcAbility accessDvrSwitch channelPlayback
clearDisksMode ctrlArchDebug decStat
disableHB disableHik264 dspStatus
dvrLogInfo dt enableHB
enableHik264 enableWatchdog errputClose
errputOpen get3GMode getCMS
getCycleReboot getDbgCtrl getHardInfo
getIp getLastErrorInfo getPlayTestCtrl
getPort getServerInfo guiChkCfg
guiEnterMenuCount guiPrtScr guiStatus
helpm helpu i2cRead
megaDspConfig miscCmd netstat
outputClose outputOpen partRecDetails
ping printPart pthreadInfo
recorderChanInfo recorderFileInfo recorderFileKeyFrame
recorderHDIdle recorderMediaInfo recorderPAllocFile
recorderParam recorderSegExtraInfo recorderStatus
sendATCom set3GPrint set3GEnable
searchInfo setGateway setIp
setlang setMtu setoutputmode
setPrint show8107coreUseInfo showCurPlayChanFileInfo
showDeviceTemp showIpcMemInfo showNetIpcmInfo
showNetLinksInfo showPlayChanStatus showPlayClipFile
showPlayScreenInfo showPlayStatus showPlayTime
showPreviewInfo showShareSvcInfo showSpareWorkStatus
showTagSysInfo showUserInfo showpu
t1 t2 transcodeResStatus
getDateInfo dmesg help