I'm not sure why it started to work again if you hadn't gotten around to making the DHCP changes yet unless the NVR just happened to switch back to the 101 address via DHCP again which is unlikely but not impossible. Make sure to document the current NVR IP and settings before making any changes now that it is working again.
TEG-S80Dgswitches that you have are not PoE compliant so you would need to purchase something like
https://www.amazon.com/NETGEAR-Unma...pID=41CnSH08AkL&preST=_SX300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch however the process to migrate your cameras off the NVR and directly into BI would require a lot of steps, a high level overview of the steaps needed would be something like:
1. move a camera to your TrendNet switch
2. find what IP it was setup with in the NVR
3. configure your normal PC (not BI server) to the same subnet as the camera
4. access the http:\\192.168.254.xxx IP of the camera and sign in
5. modify the cameras IP to then increment that last digit for the next camera, and modify the default gateway of the camera to, the subnet mask would be and the DNS server would be
6. change your normal PC back to its original IP or back to DHCP
7. verify the camera is accessible on the new http:\\ address
8. create a new camera object in BI by typing the new IP, the ONVIF user name and password (setup on the camera) and have it detect the settings from there.
9. then delete the old camera object from BI
If you wanted to try this make sure you do so with a camera you can live without for a while until you get it working again.
I'll look through your router documentation to see if it supports OpenVPN if so I could help try to get that going for remote access. Very few of these cameras have speakers built in and I have never setup the ability to talk through BI only listen.