Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

Clinical trials for new drugs take years. Comparative studies on new indications where patients are plentiful and results can be seen in weeks, take weeks...

Studies are ongoing. With zinc, without. With antibiotics, without. And so on. Many trials any doctor can sign up for just reporting their protocol and results. Important to maintain blinding (control arm, patients can't know who got new drug and who got standard of care).

Nobody is disputing that hydroxychloroquinone seems promising, but dose regimen, does zinc really help or not and how much is needed, all this needs to be studied. Control arm is needed to see if there is a statistical benefit.

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Clinical trials for new drugs take years. Comparative studies on new indications where patients are plentiful and results can be seen in weeks, take weeks...

Studies are ongoing. With zinc, without. With antibiotics, without. And so on. Many trials any doctor can sign up for just reporting their protocol and results. Important to maintain blinding (control arm, patients can't know who got new drug and who got standard of care).

Nobody is disputing that hydroxychloroquinone seems promising, but dose regimen, does zinc really help or not and how much is needed, all this needs to be studied. Control arm is needed to see if there is a statistical benefit.

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Hey, heres an idea. Give every damn patient who wants it, all three. Hydroxy, zithro and zinc. None of these are dangerous. When you develop covid, you can volunteer to be in the control group.
Hey, heres an idea. Give every damn patient who wants it, all three. Hydroxy, zithro and zinc. None of these are dangerous. When you develop covid, you can volunteer to be in the control group.
If I get it I WILL volunteer for a trial, though of course I wouldn't know if I'm control group or not, since that's part of the point of the control group, to control for placebo effect.

I am in the clinical trials business and have ready access to lists of trials. Actually anyone with Google could probably find a trial. They have the internet on computers, now.

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Here is a cool study about to enroll, looking at using the drug for prophylaxis in households where someone has a known infection:

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No matter how many times I listen to that clip I don't hear that quote. I did hear Trump say he was promoting a drug his own medical advisers are unsure about because there is no scientific evidence that it works and there may be unknown side effects - but he has a feeling it will work. Good enough for me.
Yes, I paraphrased. There was also Jim Acosta a few days later who questioned Trump about putting out a false hope. Same narrative.
No matter how many times I listen to that clip I don't hear that quote. I did hear Trump say he was promoting a drug his own medical advisers are unsure about because there is no scientific evidence that it works and there may be unknown side effects - but he has a feeling it will work. Good enough for me.
There was the video that Fenderman posted. Same narrative.

A few days later, Jim Acosta asked if there’s “any fairness to the criticism that you may have lulled Americans into a false sense of security, when you were saying things like it’s going to go away.”

What, you want a president that runs around with his pant on fire? I don't.

He knew something was going on. He shut the flights from China(January 31st)...only a week after it was determined that Chinese Communist Government, along with the WHO, lied about no Human to Human transfer? But don't forget all the Dems and their reactions to that. Pelosi on February 24th is telling people to "Come to Chinatown in SF"

Even after he stopped flights from China, Fauci was still saying "little worry". Fauci is a career government official. The people in the CDC are career government officials. CDC says they want to do their own test, they have strict standards you know (Sarcastic). These are people who have been through many different presidents. Well their initial test were bogus, not Trumps fault. But being the business man and leader he is he got the Private Sector going on testing. For your view pleasure... 武漢肺炎累計確診病例排名前15名國家-表1

That one single action(Closing the border with China) saved America from Devastation. China let 5 million pass through Wuhan when they were the only ones that knew what was going on. Now look at the WORLD!
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If I get it I WILL volunteer for a trial, though of course I wouldn't know if I'm control group or not, since that's part of the point of the control group, to control for placebo effect.

I am in the clinical trials business and have ready access to lists of trials. Actually anyone with Google could probably find a trial. They have the internet on computers, now.

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lol, bull. You will beg and steal to get hydroxy. You are in a BUSINESS that makes money off this so its understandable that you promote it. There is zero risk to the patients taking the cocktail and of you choose to enter a trial vs being 100 percent certain that you are getting it, a psychiatric exam is in order.
Here is a cool study about to enroll, looking at using the drug for prophylaxis in households where someone has a known infection:

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Deadly study for suckers. If you are in NY, drive yourself to NJ so you can get the hydroxy/zithro/zinc package. Unfortunately for new york residents their governor became a one man government death panel when he banned the drug unless you are part of a study. Sick fuck.
There was the video that Fenderman posted. Same narrative.

A few days later, Jim Acosta asked if there’s “any fairness to the criticism that you may have lulled Americans into a false sense of security, when you were saying things like it’s going to go away.”

What, you want a president that runs around with his pant on fire? I don't. . . .

Good point but especially in time of crisis I want a straight shooting president. I want the truth. If he doesn't know the truth to at least have the balls to say so. You may want something different.

It's ok to disagree. Doesn't make you a bad person.
Good point but especially in time of crisis I want a straight shooting president. I want the truth. If he doesn't know the truth to at least have the balls to say so. You may want something different.

It's ok to disagree. Doesn't make you a bad person.
He told you the truth. It looks promising, it may work it may not and boy was he right, its working. If by truth you mean you want a dooms day prediction to crash the markets even further then you dont want the truth, you want him out of office.
Well Trump may be correct about this drug. After all he has a good feeling about it. I wonder what someone who really knows 'something' about these things thinks?
How about this guy:
Christopher Plowe, PhD, a professor of global health at Duke University and a world-renowned expert on malaria drugs (including hydroxychloroquine)

Here is what he had to say about Trump's comments. . .
Trump spoke of the issue more bluntly on Sunday, encouraging Americans to take the drug by saying: “What do you have to lose? What do you have to lose?”
According to Plowe, who has been studying the drug for decades, Trump’s statements are misguided. “You can lose your life. That's pretty clear. This is a drug that can cause serious side effects. The eye issues tend to be people who've taken it for a long time. But the really serious cardiac issues — the potentially fatal cardiac arrhythmias — those can occur the first time you take the drug,”
“And it's not just older people who have heart issues, who are at risk. It can even occur in people with normal hearts, so that's a real concern.”
The most common side effects associated with hydroxychloroquine are headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, but cardiotoxicity — “medication-induced damage to the heart” — has been documented as a “rare but serious complication” of the drug. Z-packs, as Trump mentioned, have also been tied to deadly heart complications

In the press briefing on Tuesday, Trump said that healthcare workers are beginning to take the drug prior to getting sick. “They also say it's good for the hospital workers to take them that it keeps it away, it keeps it out of your system,” Trump said. It’s a claim he also raised over the weekend: “They say taking [hydroxychloroquine] before the fact is good,” he said, adding that he “may take it.”
“I have not seen any such evidence,” says Plowe. “We use chloroquine for malaria prophylaxis, but ... it’s just one pill a week basically.” Plowe explains that taking hydroxychloroquine as a preventative would require a completely different dosage and schedule. “Even if there was strong evidence — which we don't have — even if there were strong evidence that it was beneficial at higher treatment doses until you have a randomized controlled trial with a prophylactic ... I don't even know what dose he would take if he was going to take it,” says Plowe. “I am not aware of any evidence about prevention or prophylactic doses for this indication.”

Much of the discussion surrounding the drug’s success has been anecdotal, but in Plowe’s experience, even that is unimpressive. “My son is the emergency room resident in a hospital in Brooklyn and he has seen people who have been taking hydroxychloroquine and Z-packs in the community and his anecdotal impression is that it’s making no difference whatsoever,” Plowe says. “And he's seeing patients day in and day out. So that's my anecdotal evidence that clinicians on the front lines — at least the one that I'm talking to — [are] not seeing any suggestion that this is making a difference.”

Trump can believe anything he wants, science doesn't give a shit what he believes
Well Trump may be correct about this drug. After all he has a good feeling about it. I wonder what someone who really knows 'something' about these things thinks?
How about this guy:
Christopher Plowe, PhD, a professor of global health at Duke University and a world-renowned expert on malaria drugs (including hydroxychloroquine)

Here is what he had to say about Trump's comments. . .
Trump spoke of the issue more bluntly on Sunday, encouraging Americans to take the drug by saying: “What do you have to lose? What do you have to lose?”
According to Plowe, who has been studying the drug for decades, Trump’s statements are misguided. “You can lose your life. That's pretty clear. This is a drug that can cause serious side effects. The eye issues tend to be people who've taken it for a long time. But the really serious cardiac issues — the potentially fatal cardiac arrhythmias — those can occur the first time you take the drug,”
“And it's not just older people who have heart issues, who are at risk. It can even occur in people with normal hearts, so that's a real concern.”
The most common side effects associated with hydroxychloroquine are headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, but cardiotoxicity — “medication-induced damage to the heart” — has been documented as a “rare but serious complication” of the drug. Z-packs, as Trump mentioned, have also been tied to deadly heart complications

In the press briefing on Tuesday, Trump said that healthcare workers are beginning to take the drug prior to getting sick. “They also say it's good for the hospital workers to take them that it keeps it away, it keeps it out of your system,” Trump said. It’s a claim he also raised over the weekend: “They say taking [hydroxychloroquine] before the fact is good,” he said, adding that he “may take it.”
“I have not seen any such evidence,” says Plowe. “We use chloroquine for malaria prophylaxis, but ... it’s just one pill a week basically.” Plowe explains that taking hydroxychloroquine as a preventative would require a completely different dosage and schedule. “Even if there was strong evidence — which we don't have — even if there were strong evidence that it was beneficial at higher treatment doses until you have a randomized controlled trial with a prophylactic ... I don't even know what dose he would take if he was going to take it,” says Plowe. “I am not aware of any evidence about prevention or prophylactic doses for this indication.”

Much of the discussion surrounding the drug’s success has been anecdotal, but in Plowe’s experience, even that is unimpressive. “My son is the emergency room resident in a hospital in Brooklyn and he has seen people who have been taking hydroxychloroquine and Z-packs in the community and his anecdotal impression is that it’s making no difference whatsoever,” Plowe says. “And he's seeing patients day in and day out. So that's my anecdotal evidence that clinicians on the front lines — at least the one that I'm talking to — [are] not seeing any suggestion that this is making a difference.”

Trump can believe anything he wants, science doesn't give a shit what he believes
Oh wow, you successfully found some hack who is a LIAR. Worse yet he is lying because he hates trump. Christopher Plowe, PhD is a liar and a hack. Did you NOT READ THE CDC PDF? The drug is safe. You are now intentionally LYING. The information was given to you with a cite. You refuse to believe it because you suffer from trump derangement syndrome and you will continue spewing lies regardless of the deaths it may cause. You are no different than a terrorist sympathizer - though your leftist propaganda leads me to believe you already are.
Stop being lazy and read the articles and listen to the VIDEOS about the doctors who are having GREAT success with the combo. If your google is broken and you need links let me know. If the combo didnt work Comrade Cuomo would not be begging trump for it. Funny how other doctos suggesting that it works is not evidence but his stinking sons opinion is.
Even more telling is his hysteria over zpaks. Doctors prescribe that like candy. But now its dangerous. Tamaflu also may cause heart problems. Lets stop using that as well.
One thing I am certain of, if you get covid, you will be doing your best to get your hands on hydroxy.
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Another very important fact to understand how deceptive and politically motivated "Dr" Christopher Plowe is. He opines that with respect to hydroxycloraquine taken as an antimalaria drug, the dosage is much lower than what is being used for covid, about 400mg per week max, while for covid they are using about 400-800mg a day. However, he fails to note that the millions of people on the SAME DRUG from lupus or Rheumatoid arthritis up to 400-600mg per day max respectively that are not suffering severe side effects. Check and mate. Plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine sulfate) dosing, indications, interactions, adverse effects, and more
oh and look what we have here. Bunch of donations by the liar to far left political candidates and causes. Sure he has no agenda. I love the internet.
The politics of the Corona Virus SARS-Cov-2 and CCP Chinese hegemony clash: The case of Taiwan and the WHO.

( summary: CCP China not like Taiwan even mentioned... not by the WHO, not by reporters,.... )

China Uncensored covers the issue
"Taiwan is battling against not only the coronavirus, but China and the World Health Organization. After an interview with WHO leader Bruce Aylward on Hong Kong media, the world has become transfixed with how the Chinese Communist Party has gotten the United Nations to ignore Taiwan, even during the midst of the deadly coronavirus pandemic that came from an outbreak in Wuhan, China. "

lol, bull. You will beg and steal to get hydroxy. You are in a BUSINESS that makes money off this so its understandable that you promote it. There is zero risk to the patients taking the cocktail and of you choose to enter a trial vs being 100 percent certain that you are getting it, a psychiatric exam is in order.
Actually I work for a contract research organization not a drug company, so the outcome of the study is immaterial to us; we simply run studies and test samples to get paid. We do make money off the drug discovery / testing business, but this kind of study (clinical outcome research for existing drug) isn't a big for profit thing.

I am a strong believer is evidence based decision making and unless I was dying of COVID-19 I would rather be part of a trial and accept I might be in the control arm.

Studies are starting to bear fruit. Some say it works, others say it doesn't. Most don't have enough data yet. Time will tell.