IPCT Vendor
In China only masks can't be bought at the worst time ,but other product no one keep too much of them. Those are not sell with cheaper price, the shops are happy, they can sell everything easily with good price.First 2 cases showed up here yesterday in Saratoga County N.Y. They traced both of them to a conference they attended in another state, both have mild symptoms and are home, They did not say what strain of the virus they had but either is no good, If I would to have a Corona, it would be a Corona Lite, with Orange.Going to do shopping Now, we will see how wally world is stocked.
@6:30am Everything full stock except: Hand sanitizers and cleaning wipes.

Can find some good way to design a shopping system for the local community, people order everything on the app and you deliver them to their door, maybe a good business.

In China, we can book on the app, everything can be delivered in 30mins.