Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


IPCT Contributor
Feb 15, 2018
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Houston Tx
The airline delays is not caused by the weather. Southwest pilots are taking vacation and sick days. Other SWA pilots are refusing to take the additional flights, this is the result of them not wanting to take the jab. I live near the southwest airline main Houston airport and have a number of SWA employees acquaintances. Most of the SWA pilots I now are ex-military, there is a major work slow down.
Also the Jacksonville ATC center is in a work slow down about the covid jab. The Jacksonville ATC controls most of the Southeast USA air traffic.
None of this is being reported in the major news media.

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Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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Small dose of the virus is found only in the J&J vaccine, not the Pfizer and Moderna ones :)

So I got a question, or maybe more of an observation. Since many who get this "Shot/Jab" get sick either from the first or more from the second Jab, and when I got my Flu Shot a couple of decades ago I got sick, is it fair to say that getting sick (the symptoms) is just our body trying to fight off the virus. In other words, when you get fever, aches/pains, shortness of breath, drainage, etc. these are caused by our body and not the virus.

The Reason I thought of this, since the Jab is not injecting a small dose of the virus yet people are getting sick for a day or so, our body is just trying to fight off the foreign matter that entered our body and in the heat of the battle our body's produces more heat (fever), aches/pains, etc.

So those labeled Asymptomatic seem to have better Immune Systems? Forgive my Ignorance...


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
Dr John Campbell reviews BBC's "Reality Check" on Ivermectin ..

View attachment 104392

youtube video here:
Watch it all the way to the end. The BBC article has no weight.

There really have been zero respected studies according to this video by Dr John Campbell. And at the very end he subtly points out that the one real study that "could" have been done in Japan (to be funded by Merck), by a very respected scientist Satoshi Omura PhD who co-discovered Ivermectin. was rejected to be done by Merck..

(Below video is time-stamped to start where he points this out)

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IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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So I got a question, or maybe more of an observation. Since many who get this "Shot/Jab" get sick either from the first or more from the second Jab, and when I got my Flu Shot a couple of decades ago I got sick, is it fair to say that getting sick (the symptoms) is just our body trying to fight off the virus. In other words, when you get fever, aches/pains, shortness of breath, drainage, etc. these are caused by our body and not the virus.

The Reason I thought of this, since the Jab is not injecting a small dose of the virus yet people are getting sick for a day or so, our body is just trying to fight off the foreign matter that entered our body and in the heat of the battle our body's produces more heat (fever), aches/pains, etc.

So those labeled Asymptomatic seem to have better Immune Systems? Forgive my Ignorance...
HI @David L

So .. think of the original use of "virus" in computer virus ( virii ).

It replicates. Virii replicate, and transfer to another host to replicate some more.

The "Shot/Jab" - vaccines do not ( in this case ) give you a "live virus" ( that is they do not replicate itself ) .. they give you dead virus or parts of a virus.

Think of this like the virus signature you give your PCs .. the anti-virus program looks for those signatures.

The vaccines are basically giving your body a signature to analyze - and react to. To learn to practice fighting it.

Since the vaccine load is not going to replicate, someone with a good immune system will be able to clear out those foreign parts and catalog the "signature" for the future.

When you get the 2nd shot of pfizer or moderna mRNA vaccines, you will feel the symptoms as that is your body fighting the virus "signature" .. practicing for the real thing.

For Moderna mRNA, the 2nd shot many get "ill" for a day as the body practices fighting a real virus. So the symptoms can be similar to some of those which the virus causes but your body should not completely go nuts as there is no replication ( increase in "virus" )


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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There's going to be a lot more unrest coming up ... we're not done with this, nor done paying the bills and finding out those who bought tons of drinks in our restaurant outing when they found out the check would be evenly split. ( sucks for those ordering off the senior / child section of the menu with water )
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Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Unfortunately, common sense, and “the science” don’t seem to matter any longer.

Judges are human. And like politicians can be paid to say or rule however they are told.
Clearly our DOJ and FBI are corrupt, why not a few key Federal Judges?

Like other fights going on, the courts will not help us. The system itself is too far gone to be salvaged.
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Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Unfortunately, common sense, and “the science” don’t seem to matter any longer.

Judges are human. And like politicians can be paid to say or rule however they are told.
Clearly our DOJ and FBI are corrupt, why not a few key Federal Judges?

Like other fights going on, the courts will not help us. The system itself is too far gone to be salvaged.

Apparently the 1905 Supreme Court decision this bought n paid for judge used in his decision is not really relevant.

IANAL so don’t believe me, but excerpts I’ve seen today show it to not say at all what he implied it to say.


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
Apparently the 1905 Supreme Court decision this bought n paid for judge used in his decision is not really relevant.

IANAL so don’t believe me, but excerpts I’ve seen today show it to not say at all what he implied it to say.
"Believe Science*" fine print: " *only if it fits the leftist agenda"

This Judge should be required to disclose his stock portfolio
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Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Think about this folks...
The government is effectively depriving her of right to work for not getting the jab even though she has natural immunity and her doctors told her not to get it.
With this, they can literally force you to inject any drug they deem appropriate or you lose your ability to work and provide for yourself and your family.
Federal Judge Rules Against Natural Immunity Claim Challenging COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate | ZeroHedge

An employee at the school, Jeanna Norris, filed a lawsuit against the mandate and asked a judge to intervene on the basis that she had already contracted COVID-19 and recovered. She presented two antibody tests showing her previous infection, and her doctors told her that she didn’t need to get the vaccine at this time.

Despite her natural immunity, Norris faces termination from the university for not complying with the school’s mandate
that all students and staff get the shot unless they have a medical or religious exemption.
U.S. District Judge Paul Maloney, an appointee of former President George W. Bush, declined her lawsuit. The mandate, Maloney said, didn’t violate her fundamental rights and pointed to a 1905 Supreme Court ruling


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Update (1800ET): Southwest Airlines has had another terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day - as a shortage of workers combined with an air traffic control interruption to bring the total number of canceled flights to nearly 3,100 in four days.

"Crews were struggling to move and you end up in short order with aircraft and crews in the wrong spot," said EVP Bob Jordan, adding "It’s really difficult to repair and put those things back together."



Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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It was inevitable - as vaccine mandates across the country approach their deadlines, vast swaths of American workers, service members and atheletes face termination or disciplinary action for refusing to take the Covid-19 jab.

In Los Angeles, nearly 1,000 firefighters are about to sue the city over the mandate. Southwest Airlines' pilot union sued the company last week, before staffing shortages led to the cancellation of more than 2,000 flights over the weekend (and more on Monday). Meanwhile, doctors and nurses across the country have begun suing their employers.

Interestingly, after a group of officers from the Los Angeles Police Department sued over the mandate, Sheriff Alex Villanueva announced that he would not 'force anyone' to take the jab.

But not Seattle - which stands to lose 40% of its 1,000 person force for failing to get vaccinated as an Oct. 18 deadline approaches.


Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon
Bend over, America, they're getting ready to do it to us again.

Merck pill a 'great hope for the future'

Oh my, what a work of blatant promotion. Some of the statements make me want to scream....

a drug called molnupiravir means that the world could finally soon see the widespread distribution of an easy-to-administer pill that is effective in treating COVID-19.
I guess ivermectin must be on a different planet.

Initial results from Merck showed that the new drug cut both deaths and hospitalizations by half in clinical trials.
I wonder if the claims for this will change as many times as they have for the shots?

Federal regulators will not scrutinize the results of those trials closely before granting approval for distribution.
But they sure knocked themselves out supposedly scrutinizing ivermectin. Something brand new gets less scrutiny than a long-standing safe drug?

“Given what we have seen of the data, the hype is justified,”

The search for a simple, widely available treatment for the coronavirus began as soon as the potential severity of the disease it causes became apparent in early 2020.

I think they meant "coverup" instead of "search".

Vaccine skeptics have frequently looked for such substitutes, either in the deworming drug ivermectin or other, more sound treatments
Oh well, at least they didn't say horse paste this time, but just had to get the worm association in there again....