I would not buy any domes just turrets from now on. The ability to adjust and install is way better on 2335 than 3145. I went with 3 mp as I read here that it was better at night but, I only have 4 of them and no 4mp so cant compare for you. I do have several domes in the series from Hik and use them indoors only as they do appear nicer inside for the residential look and no spiders inside as well. The IR compared to XIR on turrets better for spiders as well. I also find I run cameras at 1080p not full res so the 4mp would not mean much until I get NVR or update my pc and BI for about same cost. I run lower as the BI for my system cant handle running everything at max. I think I am going with a NVR as my high end gaming system cannot run
Blue Iris effectively (50%)even low settings so I am interested in running all out on a Hik NVR 77 series. Plus the IVMS4500 is a awesome android viewer that streams video better than my PC watching Blue Iris plugged directly in ( admit though my system is BI 3 and xp so I will upgrade soon and try) Not convinced a third party developer running on software that uses CPU only is better than a multi billion dollar company NVR although I enjoyed BI over the years. It is still great for adding just about any camera if that is your set up and is flexible but, really when your looking at guys opening your car doors and some deer and cats what do you need and how much time tinkering with it ? Just to add Tiny cam pro compared to the free IVMS4500 is night and day on my Samsung 6. With IVMS4500 its like I'm in the scene instead of slow low res on tinycam pro(again if your a Hikvision only camera set up I vote stick with the whole system.