But to be honest, I am a little bit scared about that procedure.
I am really a newbe in IP Cams, and such things, and this device is quite new. We bought this a few weeks ago.
But If you tell me what I should do step by step for dummys, I can try it
If you are feeling adventurous, here is something you could try, to hopefully bring the non-working camera back to a working state.
These steps are a guide, as opposed to an exact procedure, so apologies in advance for any errors.
And there is some risk that the outcome may not be good. But it should be reversible.
And I do not know if the TrendNet models have some difference that may invalidate this.
The idea would be to take a copy of mtdblock5 and mtdblock6 from a working camera, modify a byte within the definition of the MAC address so that there is no conflict on your network, and apply it to the failed camera.
Then it should be possible to load the same firmware as you loaded to the camera that the mtdblocks were taken from.
The assumption is that the firmware is old enough that the checksum does not matter. Though the checksum 'balance method' could be used.
Start a
tftp server on the same LAN segment as the cameras are on. The Jounin one works well.
With a telnet or SSH client (PuTTY works well), log in to one of the working cameras.
The username=root, the password=whatever is the admin password for the web GUI.
At the command prompt, create a copy of mtdblock5 & 6 and save it off the camera
cat /dev/mtdblock5 > mtd5_source
tftp -p -l mtd5_source IP_address_of_tftp_server
rm mtd5_source
cat /dev/mtdblock6 > mtd6_source
tftp -p -l mtd6_source IP_address_of_tftp_server
rm mtd6_source
That's an 'l' for local in the tftp command line.
Save these files on the PC, labelled as 'donor mtdblocks' and make working copies.
On the working copies, use a hex editor (HxD works well) to modify the MAC address definition in the 'hardware descriptor block'.
There are 3 of these blocks in total, with the magic word SWKH at the start. I don't know which is active for the MAC address, so change all of them.
Take a look at the sample images here:
The MAC address is the group of 6 bytes beginning C0 above the serial number. Yours will differ.
Pick one of those bytes, say the third, and change the value by one bit, eg E3 to E2, and save. Do this on all 3 (1 plus 2) blocks, those beginning SWKH.
Now you have the modified donor mtdblocks that can be applied to the failing camera.
Save these files, labelled as 'modified donor mtdblocks'.
With a telnet or SSH client (PuTTY works well), log in to the failed camera in min-system mode.
At the command prompt, create a copy of mtdblock5 & 6 and save it off the camera
cat /dev/mtdblock5 > mtd5_save
tftp -p -l mtd5_save IP_address_of_tftp_server
rm mtd5_save
cat /dev/mtdblock6 > mtd6_save
tftp -p -l mtd6_source IP_address_of_tftp_server
rm mtd6_save
Now apply the modified blocks.
tftp -g -r mtd5_donor IP_address_of_tftp_server
cat mtd5_donor > /dev/mtdblock5
rm mtd5_donor
tftp -g -r mtd6_donor IP_address_of_tftp_server
cat mtd6_donor > /dev/mtdblock6
rm mtd6_donor
And see what happens.
Depending on what firmware you last loaded, you presumably will need to re-apply the updated Trendnet firmware.
Good luck.