the real question is whether it can send an event to blue iris when the doorbell button is pressed.
I asked a question along those lines in my email to them but I didn't receive a reply. They did update the page not long afterwards with new information answering almost all my questions.
Would something like that typically be part of the Onvif support? It supports Onvif profile S. Had a quick look at the profile S specs but they don't seem to mention anything like that, it does mention relays but I think in the other direction if that makes any sense.
This doorbell does not support SIP. If it's possible to have blue Iris notified, would it in theory be possible to let Bl establish a duplex audio link and relay that to a VOIP phone?
But even if that is not possible, it wil still serve my personal main purpose: function as a regular doorbell and do 24h recording from an angle that is most likely to capture faces clearly (if not masked etc etc).
It might be possible to hack the little USB doorbell chime and use that to send the notification perhaps. Or perhaps eavesdrop on the 433MHz link. I'm sure
they didn't create their own radio system but given the frequency it's not Z-wave or Zigbee.
Worst case it should be possible to use a photo sensor to detect the blue LED USB chime lighting up when it rings with some Arduino/Raspi and have that create the event for BI. Actually, it could also detect the audio.
Just checked, the USB chime actually has screws holding it together so it should come apart easily:
That's a nice departure from all the glued or ultrasonically welded plastic stuff you see these days. Should be possible to tap the signal that drives the LED if you open the case. Or perhaps there's a nice little microcontroller with a JTAG connection inside .
You dont want to be sending video or provide network access to their china servers
Nope, in fact I don't want to have anything to do with anything cloud related, regardless of where the servers are located or who controls them.
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