Search results for query: pushover

  1. O

    iOS push notifications stopped working

    ...8.1 devices. I did notice some small changes to the BI app menu after reinstalling app, so you cannot do just an update. As far as pics, I never got pics of triggers for years. I use sms notifications with pic added. Most people use Pushover app for trigger pics. Thanks for all of Ken's...
  2. H

    EmpireTech Security Settings

    ...yard at all hours of the night--lol! @wittaj, you were right---IVS is a significant improvement over SMD. We've been tinkering with BI & Pushover using our laptop. Learning a lot. The more we learn the more we realize how far we have to go. Don't think we'll be ready to commit beyond...
  3. G

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    It seems that I have something with my folders in the Blue iris that is messed up and I cant find it. If I place a direct pathway to a JPG file on the @ section, the cmd.exe and the push notification works properly. as soon as I plug in the \&ALERT_PATH" it stops working again. Any thoughts?
  4. wittaj

    Troubleshooting Push Notifications pay for another years worth of updates. For most people, they find a stable release and do not update until BI adds something they want. This is one of the few times where something beyond BI's control requires you to have to update. Or go to the pushover app that many of us have gone to.
  5. J

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    ...a code editor (like Notepad++), and insert a newline before each argument, as illustrated below. Issues will stand out. -s --form-string "token=REDACTED" --form-string "user=REDACTED" --form-string "message=<b>&CAM</b> &MEMO <a...
  6. G

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    Hello, I am fairly new to this and I cant wrap my head around something. Ive followed the instructions here and am still not able to get pushover notifications. Can someone please advise. Here is my syntax. -s --form-string "token=REDACTED"...
  7. bensocket

    Feature Request

    Thank you kindly for this information
  8. J

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    Apparently the macro &ALERT_PATH is not always resolving correctly at the time the Pushover curl command is sent. Two suggestions: 1. You can try checking the following box in in the Pushover action. (learn more, thx @txedgeman) 2. You can inspect the macro's resolved value in real time by...
  9. J

    Feature Request

    ...have a canned script for the Drive overallocation error/warning. If the error/warning is posted to the logfile, then you might try sending Pushover notifications via the 'Status alerts' action set (see screenshot). Be warned that I don't see a way to filter for specific errors or warnings...
  10. V

    Push notifications no longer working

    I am having similar problems with push notifications to the app. The strange thing about my case is that one of my four cameras still will send push notifications but the other three won't.
  11. J

    Blue Iris Baby monitoring - Please share the best settings? 'Alerts', then I see the Alert's tab with the latest alert at the top, which I can touch and play the alert clip. After you touch the Pushover notification you get the app's notification screen with active hyperlinks. Touch the UI3 hyperlink and you are playing the alert clip. It may take...
  12. P

    Blue Iris Baby monitoring - Please share the best settings?

    Thanks AJ, my hiccup with Pushover is the disjointed experience of clicking on the notification and then being able to view the video... What will it pull up? The BI app takes me straight to the clip, from the installed app.
  13. J

    Want to use IVS but DM won't disable - Hack as-received defaults for FPS (40, I think) and bitrate type (VBR) (both main-and sub-stream). I got so tired of this that I run Task Scheduler tasks every 5-15 minutes to check the current values, and restore them if necessary. This is yet another thing that I use Pushover notifications for:
  14. C

    Blue Iris UI3

    ...back because I didn't like how the Android app looked with Groups, then completely forgot about it. As of a couple days ago, I've been using Pushover for notifications with UI3 as the streaming link. The combo has been working great with clean, smooth playbacks but the groups issue (created...
  15. P

    Pushover snapshots from Frigate via nodered?

    Awesome!! You hero! Spent hours and hours trying to get that to work!! Snaphots coming in as expected.
  16. P

    Pushover snapshots from Frigate via nodered?

    Perfect I'll give this a go later thanks. Yes I had all the keys/mqtt set up etc- but had issues with the payload and buffer encoding part. I'll have have a look at your json and adjust. Many thanks
  17. Vault

    Pushover snapshots from Frigate via nodered?

    I've installed Pushover on my Android device to try this out and managed to get notifications using Pushover. Installed this node in NodeRed: node-red-node-pushover In order to get the Pushover node to work you need to fill your ID and API Key. This Pushover node consumes msg.payload and...
  18. wittaj

    Blue Iris Baby monitoring - Please share the best settings?

    Pushover is free for 30 days, so you can always give it a try. I guess it also depends on where you started at in your notification journey. I had started with SMS alerts because since I don't forward ports, the only time the BI app would send a push with a picture was if I was on my LAN or...
  19. S

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    Following up with a solution: If you leave the "Device(s):" field in AITOOL blank, it will send to all of your Pushover devices. @Chris Dodge What's the best way to donate to the AITOOL project? Git? The button in AITOOL? Doesn't matter? Something else? I really want to kick some $$ to...
  20. P

    Blue Iris Baby monitoring - Please share the best settings?

    ...LOL! I wonder if Ken can give us a standalone install for this fix. Even if it's paid, it's gotta be subset of the cost. So many Pushover recommendations that it seems I might have to cave. I will hate the disjointed experience though... Meaning, get the notifications in Pushover, click on...
  21. J

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    From a quick scan of my help pdf archive, it appears that macro &ALERT_PATH was not introduced until the 5.2.x series of updates.
  22. A

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    Does anyone have Pushover working (via the curl process) with BlueIris V ? I can get the script to work if I modify it to send a specific picture but the &ALERT_PATH option doesn't seem to work. I don't know that V4 uses that? I turned on capturing the image on alert just to use this...
  23. wittaj

    Blue Iris Baby monitoring - Please share the best settings?

    Pushover doesn't have to be complicated. Keep in mind that when you sign up for Pushover it provides you with a pushover "email" that you cannot log in and use for anything except to use it to send push notifications to. So you can simply go into the alerts in BI and tell it to send an email...
  24. P

    Blue Iris Baby monitoring - Please share the best settings?

    Haha thanks pushover does seem a bit complicated to set up, but also that cost is something I don't wanna do when I'll need multiple devices and paid for BI already. Did BI support ever respond to you or someone else? The push notifications have been gone over a week now, I think... It's kinda...
  25. P

    Pushover snapshots from Frigate via nodered?

    Can't for the life of me get frigate mqtt topic 'frigate/living/person/snapshot' in nodered to send the snapshot to my pushover api (without using homassistant) I've used telegram in nodered for ages and get snaphots but want to use the same method to send to my pushover. Same flow just sends...
  26. F

    iOS push notifications stopped working

    I can confirm as well that Notifications are working again with I also got PushOver APP to work. Will likely keep both, for now.
  27. P

    iOS push notifications stopped working

    ...a quick test myself on the latest version and it's working. It must've been released mere hours after I finally found the time to setup pushover I note that @VRao doesn't have a support licence. I assume that as this is a BI application update on windows then anyone out of support won't...
  28. Björn0815

    Push notifications no longer working

    That's already good to hear that it is a known problem and not coming from my system, thank you for this information. Thanks also for this workaround with the pushover API, I have to check if its doable by myself and hoping there will be soon an official fix by Blue Iris
  29. P

    Blue Iris Baby monitoring - Please share the best settings?

    ...side and is known, I'm relieved and will look forward to it being resolved, one day magically? In the meanwhile, can you educate me on the pushover app and how it could work with BI notifications and alerts? Amcrest app is the one I'm using. It's getting me close to my needs, but again...