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  1. S

    Listen up people --- Florida is not a fully tamed State

    Gators and old people are a bad mix. Exciting but bad.
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    Drives overallocated even after rebuilding DB

    I too have the "DRIVE(S) OVERALLOCATED!" message and I cannot, for the life of me see where and why. I have tons of free space and none of my allocations are anywhere near capacity. The only storage location that Blue Iris is using is NEW, all the others are empty.NEW is a 1.92TB SSD with almost...
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    Motion detection and alert clip storage

    Sorry for the belated reply, I haven't been getting notifications from this thread. Previously I was recording to a 1.92TB SATA SSD in the blue Iris server. Nothing wrong with the drive, it's been repurposed and I haven't had any problems with it. The current drive is also serving as the boot...
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    Motion detection and alert clip storage

    Up until recently I have never gotten motion detect events to register properly. Best I could ever get was 50% or slightly more motion events to record. I played around with every setting I could find to no avail. My most recent camera, a Dahua SD4A425DB-HNY was by far the worst. I was lucky if...
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    I hid my clips

    Used a Moderro Signage computer with a fresh install of Windows 10 (wanted to use Linux but couldn't get sharing to work. Installed a 2TB NVMx M.2 drive. Mounted a 120mm fan on top (It's a fanless no moving parts mini computer. Configured BI to save the clips to the share folder hid it in a...
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    Review-SD4A425DB-HNY 1/2.8" CMOS 4MP 25x Starlight Auto-tracking MiniPTZ

    Mine runs kinda toasty. Not worried about it freezing up this winter.
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    Review-SD4A425DB-HNY 1/2.8" CMOS 4MP 25x Starlight Auto-tracking MiniPTZ

    Can somebody tell me why I would want the internal temp of the camera displayed on the image? Seems like external temp would be more useful.
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    PTZ controls suddenly stopped working

    9/17 was the last update so that wasn't it. As for making changes, I haven't even opened BI in a couple of weeks so no changes made. In troubleshooting I did reload Blue Iris.reg which was a month or so old and that had no effect other than that to invalidate my license (:mad: why does it do...
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    PTZ controls suddenly stopped working

    Thank you sir. V4 did indeed work.
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    PTZ controls suddenly stopped working

    Camera is a Dahua SD4A425DB-HNY. PTX controls were working fine yesterday. Today I get no response. I changed nothing but went thru all the settings anyway and found nothing amiss. I've rebooted the camera and server and nothing changed. PTZ still not working. PTZ in the camera itself works...
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    Review-SD4A425DB-HNY 1/2.8" CMOS 4MP 25x Starlight Auto-tracking MiniPTZ

    I have yet to get mine working properly. I can't quite grasp the concept of setting up the tripwire but I'm working on it. I did notice that tracking stops working if you change the preset after setting it up.
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    Review-SD4A425DB-HNY 1/2.8" CMOS 4MP 25x Starlight Auto-tracking MiniPTZ

    Just read up on the switches. They're both POE+ so they can provide 32w per port and so state. I'm the world's worse for not RTFM. :facepalm: Gotta add another :facepalm:. I have a second Dahua and it was the same way, both wall wart and POE+ to the camera.
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    Review-SD4A425DB-HNY 1/2.8" CMOS 4MP 25x Starlight Auto-tracking MiniPTZ

    Before purchasing this cam I read nothing about it being POE and assumed it wasn't since most PTZ cams I've seen weren't. When I installed it I powered it via the wall wart that came with it and thought that was that. Both my switches are POE+ and I just checked them and found that the...
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    Does BI not record auto tracking videos?

    Thank you sir. Very helpful.
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    Does BI not record auto tracking videos?

    There's still a lot about BI that I don't understand. I assumed continuous recording would require an enormous increase in storage space. I just switched to continuous on the cam in question and will see what happens.
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    Does BI not record auto tracking videos?

    It seems to be working as I expected it to for now. An old man just rode by on a bicycle and it tracked him even tho it's dark out so I'm not complaining. recording continuously seems like a bad idea to me. And speaking of false alarms, I get tons of those when the wind picks up and rattles the...
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    Does BI not record auto tracking videos?

    There was a couple of settings in BI I had to change before it started working. But it was still recording other action like cars driving by. Vehicle detection is disabled, only people detection is enabled.
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    Does BI not record auto tracking videos?

    Just got my new SD4A425DB-HNY installed and running. Auto tracking works just fine but BI does not record the videos. Am I missing something? TIA Never mind, found anther thread dealing with this and it seems to have fixed it. Just walked to the mailbox and back and all appears well. :)
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    Just received my SD4A425DB-HNY, now how do I get the manual?

    Camera came with a Q Code that allows me to access it on my iPhone but I need to get it on my computer. The link printed on the Q Code sticker doesn't work and the link it send to the iPhone is about 22 miles long. I'm not going to live long enough to type it so i was hoping someone could...
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    Auto tracking cam aimed at the street, good or bad?

    Hmmmm, didn't know that was an option. Thanks. EDIT - Just ordered a SD4A425DB-HNY from Andy on Amazon. Will arrive Monday. Can't wait to get it.
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    POE powered switch

    I picked up an Avaya 4850GTS-PWR+ 48 port POE+ layer 3 switch from eBay for $70. It does double duty, in addition to powering my 11 ip cams it also handles the rest of my network. POE is automatic. It has a really nice web interface and every option you could ever possibly use. It's an...
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    Auto tracking cam aimed at the street, good or bad?

    I'm considering getting one but I'm concerned about it burning out tracking all the cars that go by during the day. Any thoughts? TIA
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    How can I keep the spiders from sabotaging my driveway cam?

    I turned the IR emitters off right after I got the cam. Doesn't seem to make any difference as far as the spidies are concerned. I just went out there and unleashed global Armageddon on them with my air compressor. I know they'll be back tho. Wish there was a better solution.
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    How can I keep the spiders from sabotaging my driveway cam?

    I believe the image is color because between the bright porch light and the street light the cam thinks it's day. Th backlight setting is in the camera itself. Does it affect what happens in the computer?
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    How can I keep the spiders from sabotaging my driveway cam?

    Camera is an unbraded Dahua Starlight cam. Bought it from Andy on Amazon. Both "illuminator" and "Backlight" under Conditions are turned off. I assume one of those is the IR emitter. The streetlight at the end of the driveway provides all the light it needs. EDIT - the spider and webs are only...
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    How can I keep the spiders from sabotaging my driveway cam?

    I've tried various chemicals but nothing I thought might damage the camera itself. In the summer these little boogers quickly rebuild their web after my daily brushing.
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    VPN Primer for Noobs

    I'm going to look into Wire Guard. OpenVPN gives you a QR code also and I took a picture of it with my iPhone and it did nothing. The OpenVPN client doesn't give you the option to use the code.
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    VPN Primer for Noobs

    Yea, an understanding is always a good thing. step by step instructions might get you there but you won't know where you are.