Search results

  1. MrSurly

    Substream FPS setting.... Where did it go?

    In the web GUI of my oldest Dahuas, I can set the frame rates of the main and subs separately. Under Camera/Video tab. The newer cams and newer web GUIs I can't find the setting. What am I missing?
  2. MrSurly

    Fixed My New PTZ5A4Mx25's sloppy installation. How should I Fix this Better?

    Put up the new cam on my antenna mast recently, using a rented manlift and in too big a hurry. The connection used the included "weather-tight" RJ45 sleeve, but no junction box was used. Because of the mast mount, I'm trying to avoid the added weight and stand-off distance that a proper pole...
  3. MrSurly

    Blue Iris Screen Flashing

    I'm hoping someone has the fix for this. A couple of days ago, various elements of the BI screen have started flashing and I can't determine where I went wrong. The time window during review, all camera settings windows (in BI) Status/Connections, even the About window. I've had BI auto-updating...
  4. MrSurly

    Surly Guy Checking Back In... New Cams, New Questions

    HEY, Y'ALL! Yes, It has been a while. I am still running the BI system that y'all helped me get running several years ago, mailbox cams, bird feeder cams etc. Proud to say that the system that you guys helped me get setup all those years ago is still running, still dead-reliable save for a...
  5. MrSurly

    A Brief Look at a MicroBurst... and a Reminder to TEST your UPS

    8/5/22 at 3:05PM a pop-up storm hit my neighborhood lasting only fifteen minutes but within it there was a "microburst" of wind that felled a bunch of hardwood trees, tore off some roofs, caused power outages and general mayhem, all in about two minutes. My property received no damage but many...
  6. MrSurly

    Bird Feeder Hide

    For a long time I have been planning to set up a full-color cam to watch over the street to cover the same general area as my previously chronicled Mailbox hide. The cans in the mailbox are set to work as ersatz LPRs but of course that means they are effectively blind to everything else at...
  7. MrSurly

    Cheap PC Upgrade Path for Blue Iris

    If it may help others just easing into the ip cam world on a budget, this is the path I went along, after some wrong turns. There are a ton of cheap, old PCs out there. Some are great starting points for a Blue Iris build, but there are also many that do not really support what we need for ip...
  8. MrSurly

    PoE Voltage Tester

    A question about testing PoE: Yes, I have DVMs and of course I can make a quick connector to try to read voltage at an injector or switch, but since the voltage and current (depending on the particular PoE standard) relies on a software negotiation between devices, I'm certain that the DVM...
  9. MrSurly

    Mystery Password Demand

    I think I have pissed off my Blue Iris(?) In an effort to get my remote monitoring back in order (I haven't actually viewed the system remotely in a very long time) I created a new OpenVPN config on my TPLink router just as before. I imported it to my phone and the desktop at work; both machines...
  10. MrSurly

    Three Dahua Bricks... Is There a Trick to UNBrick?

    My system is less than two years old. All my cams are Dahua, all bought from Andy. I've PM'ed Andy to see what to do next as these are all in warranty as far as I know. But MAYBE they can be revived? I'd much rather get them working than warranted. These three cams stopped communicating at...
  11. MrSurly

    Package Thieves !! Three adjacent Neighbors Hit

    And NO ONE has a camera or doorbell! Of course, you can't see the detail in these (OK, I can't) when viewing the .bvr in BI it is all MUCH more clear. I haven't sorted out how to capture the zoomed videos... Vid 1 approach Vid 4 Plate Vid 5 Thefts Police involved (well, at least informed)...
  12. MrSurly

    I Forgot HOW! I could use some HELP exporting Clips for the Police

    Hey, guys. I have been away for a long while; Out of the country, off of the forum and the BI system along with my mailbox cams have all been running unattended and seemingly working fine. I haven't had to do anything with them other than to check their status . A few days ago we had an event...
  13. MrSurly

    Resetting Ipc hfw1831ep

    I asked this previously months back and was told the button was behind the front cover. I did not actually need to test that at the time, but now, I do. One of my 13 cams has stopped working (no signal) so, I need to try to reset before giving up and seeking out Andy and warranty...
  14. MrSurly

    How to Implement Dual Purples?

    I now have my BI mini-tower running on an SSD for boot and storing to an 8TB Purple. I get about ten days with my twelve substreamed cams. I now have a second Purple, a new 10TB, in the second bay. What I want to do is to somehow use BOTH discs to store the clips and have them work as if they...
  15. MrSurly

    Sorting Out How to Fix This Network

    Ok, brief background: started on the BI trip a few months back and got it working well enough for a trip I had coming. I set up Open VPN in the router, worked super. I put in Dual NICs and reconfigured the physical network such that the cam net is completely isolated from the world except...
  16. MrSurly

    UPS needed: with a Phone App or Web portal via WiFi or Ethernet

    I need to install three UPSes, two will be small, 450 or maybe 600VA, pretty mundane stuff for the switch closet and the router/modem area. While I'm at it, I want to add ONE larger UPS that offers a way to remotely cycle power on command. What I do NOT want is to use any Echo/Next/Alexa device...
  17. MrSurly

    My first capture post! Petty and Political...

    But I'm still going to pursue them.
  18. MrSurly

    New Cam for the Old House, Chose the Spot, Nailed it!

    Tested out the entrance area with the 5442tze, decided on a final location. I’ll mount that cam but after some time I may swap a fixed focal length in its place after enough trial. The location selected should be final. How to get wire there was a head scratcher. Decided to access the crawl...
  19. MrSurly

    The Dreaded GAP. Very Frustrated New User

    I truly hope that you folks can lead me out of the fog, here. I'm a new user, still trying to learn BI and still trying to get it to WORK. It is extremely frustrating that each time I get home or wake up or whatever, I look at the BI screen in the dedicated BI machine and the timeline has a huge...
  20. MrSurly

    Cam 4 No Signal; Actually Has Substream, No Main. After BI Crash

    No changes to this cam or its settings though I was messing with another in the same box. All had been running for a few days and today at about 1PM ALL recording to the SATA stopped as for unknown reasons the drive is not seen. All the cams appear to be fine, all show the red dot indicating...
  21. MrSurly

    Mailbox Hide Cam Swap, Lucky Fitment

    The box had a 6mm bullet facing the house with a 6mm looking South and a 2.8 looking North. I decided I wanted to change the cam facing West (to the house) for two reasons: I want a wider FoV to monitor the full width of the lot and ALSO I want to have an audio source (mic) at the mailbox. I...
  22. MrSurly

    Dual NIC via USB? Recommendations?

    I'm running a Lenovo M700 TINY and I want to have dual NIC capability. This little pancake PC does not have the physical room for adding such niceties inside; I can only think of using a USB-based adapter but if there are reasons not to, or other ways to accomplish this, let me know. Also if you...
  23. MrSurly

    Storage Utilization Settings ~HELP~!

    For a week or so I’ve been waiting for my storage components to arrive and have been temporarily saving to a USB3 2TB with 1TB free. BI has NOT been using the available space but I figured it would get sorted once I got my new dedicated drive. Yesterday I installed my new WD Purple 10TB in an...
  24. MrSurly

    Latest FW for IPC-HFW1831EP?

    I recently purchased three of the IPC-HFW1831EP in 2.8 and 6mm versions. Each has different firmware installed. I would like to know which is the Latest available AND which is the BEST. A search found a thread from six months ago discussing the IPC-HFW1831E (no P) and that thread referenced...
  25. MrSurly

    Mailbox Hide, Newbie Down the Rabbit Hole

    I decided that I really needed some street view cameras... long before I realized it would start me down the path to ipcams and Blue Iris. I knew where I wanted cameras, right at the street, in the mailbox and at least somewhat hidden. I schemed about Wi-Fi and solar panels, batteries, voltage...
  26. MrSurly

    Ordered 10TB Purple That is the "NEWER" version, Can't find Specs

    Looking on Amazon for a large 3.5 internaI that l will use for NVR duty. The WD101PURZ seemed a decent deal (10TB/7200/Purple) and then Amazon touted a "Newer model" available. Only a few bux difference; I started trying to find specs,do a comparison and the new model's specs don't seem...
  27. MrSurly

    Optimization Instruction Clarity Needed

    In the earliest stages of my install and I followed the instruction to set all of the cams to substream/direct-to-disk/continuous. (To be frank, I'm concerned that this will significantly degrade capture quality, but it is untested in my case, just yet...but I digress) what I actually need...
  28. MrSurly

    Stumbling Badly on Initial Set Up

    I’ve received most of the start up pieces of my system; tiny PC, PoE switch, a couple of cameras to test with from Andy. I’m trying to get initial communication with the cams and I’m pulling out my hair. First: I’ve read all the Wiki and Cliffs notes and the “standard start up pages”, but...
  29. MrSurly

    Gov’t BAN of Dahua, HiKvision Cams(!) What does this mean for US?

    I’m not a paying member so I can’t read the whole article IPVM link Ban Rules Released: Use Dahua or Hikvision, No Government Contracts
  30. MrSurly


    This place has more initials than alphabet soup. I didn't see it in the Cliff/wiki Is there, on the site, a complete Acronym translator? Maybe not even definitions, but at least a list of words that the acronym replaces ex: "WDR=Wide Dynamic Range"...?