Search results

  1. wepee

    Dahua 4MP H4A indoor PT camera- will it work with BI?

    Hi, I just notice there is a new Dahua PT camera available at Aliexpress: Dahua 4MP H4A indoor PT camera Information available in Dahua website: Dahua 4MP H4A indoor PT camera The item description from Aliexpress seller: Drawbacks: 1) You cannot access the camera web interface through...
  2. wepee

    Look for a human tracking Dahua PTZ camera.

    Hi, Has anyone got any experience in human tracking PTZ camera. My goal is to have a human tracking PTZ camera hook up to my Blue Iris PC. The camera is blocked accessing the internet. I interested in this model: SD2A500HB-GN-A-PV-S2 - Dahua Technology Just wonder if this camera requires a...
  3. wepee

    I want to use back my old analog Samsung CCTV camera

    Hi, I am just wondering has anyone in the forum has tried to install the EasyCAP video capture adapter? It converts the analog video signal to digital via CO-AX cable using USB 2.0 port on your laptop or PC. I want to use back the old analog camera, so does Blue Iris support this adapter...
  4. wepee

    How to lockdown a Blue Iris PC which is sharing by another user

    Hi guys, I just want to ask for some advice here, regarding about lock-downing of a Blue Iris PC, that is stopping another user from screwing around the Windows 10 Pro settings. I created a standard user (non-administrator) name: John John will be the person who will be viewing the BI console...
  5. wepee

    My NetTime icon has gone dimmed.......Oh no my computer has been hacked!!!

    Hi guys, My NetTime has been working fine for a few days. Suddenly, I realized, its icon at the taskbar has gone from bright yellow & green to dimmed/grayed. This usually indicates there is an error. IP = is the NIC that all my CCTV cameras are connected. Just wondering if my...
  6. wepee

    Error: 80002af9 (Failed to connect) 0

    Hi All, I did not have such a problem before, It was working fine. BI System was shut down and all the main power was switched off before I left in my shop. Out of the blue, when I switched on the main power this morning, BI system started to kick in, Everything is running ok, however I notice...
  7. wepee

    What is the proper way to shutdown BI

    Hi all, How to prevent this error being logged: Restarted after unexpected shutdown See below: My BI system is running as a windows service. I was told the best way to shut down BI is to: Go to the Windows Taskbar, run Task Manager, locate the BI windows service, and select End task...
  8. wepee

    What could be the cause of database being corrupted?

    Hi guys, I would like to know whether database got corrupted is caused by improper windows shutdown (due to power failure)? Should I be worried? If it happens again, does BI auto correct the database to make it good again? Because I saw at 3.25.57pm, the log stated: DBRegenerate: Finished...
  9. wepee

    [Solved] Blue Iris Android App Liew Viewing slow to load over OpenVPN connection

    Hi guys, I have successfully set up my OpenVPN server running at my office network using an ASUS RT-AC86U router. I am set up FULL- Tunnelling from my home to my office. Both my home and office sites are using the same ISP fibre networks, its download & upload speed is the same only 30Mbps At...
  10. wepee

    Using a Dahua camera to be a PEST repellant? Feasible?

    Hi guys, I am researching new Dahua cameras in recent days for a mini project about repelling stray cats. Although I had some Dahua cameras in the past, they are basic entry-level old school ones. I haven't been catching up with the latest technologies for a number of years now. So hoping...
  11. wepee

    How to update BI to v5.4.4.8? Mine just stuck cannot finish downloading

    Hi guys, Does anyone experiencing problem updating BI. I just purchased an Extended support and Maintenance License Key. But when I want to update the current system from BI v5.4.3.12 to v5.4.4.8, BI just could finish downloading. It just stuck there forever. :confused: Close BI software and...
  12. wepee

    Foscam R2 camera suffers pixelation when HA (HW decode) is turned on.

    Hi, Attention to those Foscam camera owners, how to solve this problem? Currently, I cannot turn on HW in Bl, once it is turned on. Any object movement, the live view will display pixelation of the moving object. I am planning to buy the Foscam R4M...
  13. wepee

    Blue Iris + Imou Ranger 2- Setting up RTSP Sub stream.

    Hi there, Just recently I installed an IMOU Ranger 2 at my office. Using the following RTSP URL: Note = rtsp:/ meant to have two "/" forward lashes, but somehow the BI forum automatically deprecate 1 forward lash. 1) How to create a sub RSTP stream using the format...
  14. wepee

    Dahua HDW5541H-AS-PV 5MP WDR

    Hi there, Has anyone try this camera? link: IPC-HDW5541H-AS-PV Youtube: I know the AI stuff will only work with Dahua NVR, but in general, would it work flawlessly with BI.? The feature, that I like is, it has a built-speaker within the camera, so...
  15. wepee

    Looking for an indoor PTZ camera with 2 way chat function.

    Hi all, I am interested in buying a PTZ camera with a 2 way talk function. Is there a Dahua version that comes with PTZ which is similar to the AMCREST ProHD 1080P link: I cannot buy this Amcrest camera because I am not...
  16. wepee

    BI system with i7-7700 CPU + a discrete grahpic card

    Hi all, I am building a system with a 7th Gen Intel CPU. I am just wondering do I really need a discrete graphic card on the system? Can do it without the card? Let's say I leave out the graphic card...........and use only the the build-in Intel GPU......... 1) Will the system have enough...
  17. wepee

    Dahua IMOU camera owners, please share your information here! Thank you.

    Hi, This post was created for all BI users to share information about their success story about connecting Dahua IMOU brand cameras. If you own one, please state the model number, and also state what function is not working with BI. Is there any workaround to your problem? Thank you. :)...
  18. wepee

    Intel i7-3770 or 3770s

    Hi, I am able to buy 2nd CPUs 3rd Generation type: Ivy Bridge. But I cannot decide which one to buy. Intel i7-3770 TDP = 77 Watts vs 3770s TDP = 65 Watts Although electricity is not very expensive to generate at my place. Comparing the two CPUs in terms of price, there is a $30 dollars price...
  19. wepee

    Belben 1583A CAT5e cable + TP-link TL-POE150s injector

    Hi there, I am just wondering if I have a Belben 1583A CAT5e cable: (This is the only best full copper wire 24AWG available at my place) and.............. I am going to use an injector: TL-POE150S | PoE Injector | TP-Link Will there be...
  20. wepee

    Prompt at Startup + Recheck everyday at + Automatic download and install + Check for update now

    Hi All, Under BI options (Click on the gear icon) Under.........Software support + Maintenance section. there are 3 options that used to allow user to select(tick in the box), namely...... 1) Prompt at Startup (grey out = option not selectable) 2) Recheck everyday at: time (grey out = option...
  21. wepee

    Newer Version of BI does not support old MPEG4 camera, why?

    Hi BI forum users, I had a hard time finding a solution to my problem. I was troubleshooting for a few hours finally found that the older version of BI support my old ACTi ACM 1231 1.3MP MPEG4 camera, whereas the new version of BI does not, why? From the experience that I been using BI for a...
  22. wepee

    If power failure occurs, while BI server is still recording motion...

    Hi, Just want to post a curious question......let's say a motion is detected on the camera that triggers BI to open up a BVR file to capture the video recording. While BI is still recording, suddenly a power failure occurs. I have no UPS running when power failure occurs. After power is...
  23. wepee

    Can you do remote viewing using camera's sub stream?

    Hello folks, How to set up remote viewing in BI web server to stream camera's sub stream? Normally, all H.264 cameras support multiple streams (1 main stream + 1 sub stream) In order to save bandwidth using mobile device for remote viewing, I would like to use the sub stream which is at lower...
  24. wepee

    [SOLVED]Playback video file image degraded

    Hello folks, I need to know what kind of configuration that I missed during camera installation. I have only got 1 camera connected to BI. During playback if there is any fast motion, the video image will get degraded or ghosting(please see the attached picture below). Any idea what went wrong...
  25. wepee

    Storage- Cascading CCTV Storage-not working?

    Hi there, Can someone give me some indication what I have done wrong with my configuration in BI.:( I just could not get the the older files to move from 1 hard disk to the other. I have attached a picture describing the problem. I have also screen captured the configurations on the picture...
  26. wepee

    Hardware Requirement- which Motherboard is best suited to run BI for 24/7 operation?

    Hi All, I would like to post the question to all forum members. Hoping someone can really give some advice in building a low power system running BI at 24/7. I have built surveillance system in the past with cheaper micro atx motherboard for office usage, but somehow it wouldn't last after...
  27. wepee

    I know.... I have a "dinosaur" Anlogue Video Capture Card :-)

    Hi All, I am trying to recycle an old piece of hardware that I have got lying doing absolute nothing. I have got a old Kodicom BT878 chipset card 8 ports 25fps. Open source drivers for BT878 =...
  28. wepee

    Increase Storage in the future with BI- how to do it?

    Hi All, I am a newbie, I just went through some Youtube videos on how to set up BI on a PC. I noticed that there is a single path for keeping the video footage. Meaning a single disk is used. E.g: C:\BlueIris\db (but I can change the path to something else. Like d:\BlueIris\db if I desired)...