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  1. C

    Western Digital 'thumper' disks - PWL

    Recently switched to a 14TB WD white label (black/red?) drive for NVR storage in PC case, first time experiencing the thumping style drives. It appears the noise is the result of Premature Wear Levelling (PWL) which WD have seen fit to add on these units. Nice not to have the usual higher...
  2. C

    Onvif triggers creating multiple alerts version

    Hi, on my previous older 2022 install the onvif triggers would simply create one alert in Blue Iris, the new version on a couple of cameras seems to create 2-4 alerts for the same event. Sure this is something simple which changed, seems to be occurring with the RuleEngine/LineDetector/Crossed...
  3. C

    Moving flagged (stored) clips to a new machine

    Hi, in the process of testing Blue Iris on new Windows 11 install, only want to bring across the flagged/stored clips from existing, I copied them over but nothing shows up, have tried rebuiliding etc, no dice. Also found out the newer version of BI auto deletes stored above 20GB, that was a...
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    Latest release performance with Windows 11 Pro

    I am on an old release 5 from end of 2022, mainly resisted upgrading due to problems with Deepstack, that is largely not in use anymore. About to switch BI install to Windows 11 Pro machine, wondered if there are any significant drops in CPU usage with later releases, yes I am fully optimised...
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    PTZ choices, best for low light

    Looking to replace a failing 49225 with 2MP starlight sensor, options below: SD5A225GB-HNR or SD4E425GB-HNR-A-PV1 I am considering the EmpireTech PTZ5A4M-25X but this is not in the same price bracket! Local supplier also has the SD49225XA-HNR-S2 in stock if anyone thinks that is still a...
  6. C

    Does a 4-5MP version of the HFW5241E-Z12E exist with large sensor?

    Sorry for being somewhat lazy here, I use a HFW5241E-Z12E for ANPR duties and need a similar camera to cover about 50 feet distance, non ANPR use. Wondered if anything existed from Dahua with good zoom but maybe in the 4MP range using a larger sensor. I also use the HFW5442EP-ZE cameras, great...
  7. C

    Note for IVS rules if not being detected

    I have been doing this for a while now, but, got caught out on the IVS rules! It didn't jump out at me in guides or other forum answers until @wittaj pointed it out. After setting up IVS rules, make sure to Find/Inspect the camera in Blue Iris again, otherwise it will never work, at least not...
  8. C

    Dahua old 16 channel NVR with 2017 firmware and new SmartPSS

    Sorry, being lazy here, just decided to try installing latest release SmartPSS, I know, I know!!! stupid idea with an old 16 channel NVR. Now, it picks up cameras and NVR, no previous recordings showing and when accessing NVR config, just one camera shows up!! is this expected and should I...
  9. C

    Thoughts on PDW5849-A180-E2-ASTE vs 5442-Z4E-S3

    Sorry for the long title, currently running several of the original 5442 turrets and varifocal bullets. The 5849 180 degree units in 3.6mm appear to use a similar (same?) sensor. Other than potential for fish eye effect on stitched images, what are thoughts on these units from those who have...
  10. C

    Are the 5442's still best? or time for 4k variants...

    I have a few 5442 series cameras running in areas without any artificial light, are the later 4k x series cameras now better, stocks seem limited. Sorry, out of touch and being a bit lazy! Looking for very best night and day performance, cost not too much of an issue. Thanks in advance
  11. C

    Cannot detect new DH-IPC-HFW5442EP-ZE

    I have another one of these with previous firmware and it is fine, am I going mad! can log in via browser and all is good, going mad here. Any help welcome. Firmware V2.840.0000000.10.R, Build Date: 2021-09-30 Thanks
  12. C

    Blue Iris not seeing my DH-IPC-HFW5442EP-ZE

    I have another one of these with previous firmware and it is fine, am I going mad! can log in via browser and all is good, going mad here. Any help welcome. Firmware V2.840.0000000.10.R, Build Date: 2021-09-30 Thanks
  13. C

    Rekor recording plate more than once

    OK, good problem to have I know :lol: but on a section of road that my camera is looking down I am getting plates recorded 2-3 times rather than just once. The camera will grab maybe 30-40 frames, I played with the stickiness settings and looked a park car settings in Rekor. Just wondered if...
  14. C

    Dahua HFW5241E-Z12E slight edge distortion when zoomed

    Firstly I didn't know whether to post this on another thread or start new so I did the latter. Camera is working well, no major issues, I am on almost full zoom and as cars come into the frame I notice distortion near the edge. It isn't the kind of distortion I would expect, seems to be both...
  15. C

    Impressed with HFW5442E-ZE

    I am well acquainted with the 5231 cameras and also 49225 PTZ which is low light king even compared to 5231, I think this has something to do with IR power and also better quality lens on the 49225. Anyway, I got a 5442 with 2.8 lens installed a few days ago and been pretty impressed so long as...
  16. C

    Blue Iris crashes when replaying from timeline (Windows 10)

    This is an odd one, yesterday I added a tenth camera to Blue Iris. Now when trying to playback using the 'replay' button next to the timeline or double clicking the actual timeline, Blue Iris simply crashes in Windows 10. I can double click and play 'alerts', can also playback 'all clips'...
  17. C

    HDW5442TM-ASE exposure/highlights

    Managed to get a couple of these installed at last, any tips on settings, I am struggling during sunlight to stop blown highlights/over exposure. I run manual exposure and short of reducing the exposure compensation it is still a struggle compared to my 5231's. Also tried WDR but I'm not a fan...
  18. C

    Dahua exposure settings, shutter and gain

    OK, I'm curious what others are using for Exposure settings. I am big on freeze frame capability when playing back footage so I always go manual with Shutter speed. Over the years I have found that anything above 4-5ms shutter speed is a no for me. Gain I like to keep low for reduced noise if...
  19. C

    Schedule causing only two cameras to stop recording

    This is very odd, I have a schedule setup for night time which is linked to sunrise/sunset. Works just fine but two out of my six cameras stop recording when the night schedule kicks in until I go to settings on each camera, change nothing and simply say OK/save??? The time line for these two...
  20. C

    OpenALPR (Rekor Scout) compared to Platerecognizer

    Interested to get others feedback, I dabbled with Platerecognizer due to the integration with Blue Iris and it seemed OK, a few errors, missed some and I didn't like the costs associated with going above 2500 lookups, I stopped using it after a day and didn't bother for a while. Then I decided...
  21. C

    Push for iPhone causing increase CPU usage

    Didn't really pickup on this initially, but I setup push alerts on three cameras last night and my CPU has gone from around 10-15% to 40-50%, is this to be expected?
  22. C

    Link DeepStack custom model to profile

    I have been reading and probably missed it somewhere but can this be done? I have day and night profiles setup to run on schedule and in theory understand the DeepStack basic commands. Would like the ExDark to run only on the night profile, wondering if it can be executed in the On change...
  23. C

    Dahua PTZ presets in Milestone XProtect Smart Client

    Currently controlling a Dahua SD49225T-HN in Milestone XProtect Smart Client 2017 R2 (latest free version) and all works fine except for presets, I have imported them from the camera in XProtect Management Client 2017 R2 but none will activate. Unsure if these simply will not work in this...
  24. C

    Dahua NVR Hdmi output options

    Currently using a Dahua NVR5416-4KS2 and trying to output 4 camera view via Hdmi output at 1080, the only way I seem to be able to do this at the moment is with the tour option set to refresh every 2 minutes, this means I get a flash then the 4 camera view appears again after 2 minutes. Surely...