3/18/2025, 6:12:31 PM [INFO] Received plate read data: [object Object]
3/18/2025, 6:13:34 PM [INFO] GET /api/plate-reads
3/18/2025, 6:14:18 PM [INFO] GET /api/verify-key
3/18/2025, 6:15:02 PM [INFO] POST /api/plate-reads
3/18/2025, 6:15:02 PM [INFO] Received plate read data: [object Object]
3/18/2025, 6:15:03 PM [INFO] POST /api/plate-reads
3/18/2025, 6:15:03 PM [INFO] Received plate read data: [object Object]
3/18/2025, 6:15:04 PM [INFO] POST /api/plate-reads
3/18/2025, 6:15:04 PM [INFO] Received plate read data: [object Object]
3/18/2025, 6:15:05 PM [INFO] POST /api/plate-reads
3/18/2025, 6:15:05 PM [INFO] Received plate read data: [object Object]
3/18/2025, 6:15:06 PM [INFO] POST /api/plate-reads
3/18/2025, 6:15:06 PM [INFO] Received plate read data: [object Object]
3/18/2025, 6:15:08 PM [INFO] GET /
3/18/2025, 6:15:08 PM [INFO] POST /api/verify-session
3/18/2025, 6:15:08 PM [INFO] GET /api/check-update
3/18/2025, 6:15:09 PM [INFO] GET /dashboard
3/18/2025, 6:15:09 PM [INFO] POST /api/verify-session
3/18/2025, 6:15:09 PM [INFO] GET /api/check-update
3/18/2025, 6:15:09 PM [INFO] POST /dashboard
3/18/2025, 6:15:09 PM [INFO] POST /api/verify-session
3/18/2025, 6:15:09 PM [INFO] GET /api/check-update
3/18/2025, 6:15:09 PM [INFO] Fetching dashboard metrics
3/18/2025, 6:15:09 PM [INFO] POST /dashboard
3/18/2025, 6:15:09 PM [INFO] POST /api/verify-session
3/18/2025, 6:15:09 PM [INFO] GET /api/check-update
3/18/2025, 6:15:09 PM [INFO] GET /live_feed?page=1&hourFrom=04&hourTo=04
3/18/2025, 6:15:09 PM [INFO] POST /api/verify-session
3/18/2025, 6:15:09 PM [INFO] GET /api/check-update
3/18/2025, 6:15:10 PM [INFO] GET /live_feed
3/18/2025, 6:15:10 PM [INFO] POST /api/verify-session
3/18/2025, 6:15:10 PM [INFO] GET /api/check-update
3/18/2025, 6:15:10 PM [INFO] Fetching latest plate reads
3/18/2025, 6:15:10 PM [INFO] Fetching tags
3/18/2025, 6:15:10 PM [ERROR] Error fetching plate reads: error: column pr.crop_coordinates does not exist
3/18/2025, 6:15:10 PM [INFO] POST /live_feed
3/18/2025, 6:15:10 PM [INFO] POST /api/verify-session
3/18/2025, 6:15:10 PM [INFO] GET /api/check-update
3/18/2025, 6:15:12 PM [INFO] POST /api/plate-reads
3/18/2025, 6:15:12 PM [INFO] Received plate read data: [object Object]
3/18/2025, 6:15:12 PM [INFO] Database connection established
3/18/2025, 6:15:12 PM [INFO] [FileStorage] Successfully saved image
3/18/2025, 6:15:12 PM [ERROR] Error processing request: error: column "confidence" of relation "plate_reads" does not exist
3/18/2025, 6:15:13 PM [INFO] POST /api/plate-reads
3/18/2025, 6:15:13 PM [INFO] Received plate read data: [object Object]
3/18/2025, 6:15:13 PM [INFO] Database connection established
3/18/2025, 6:15:13 PM [INFO] [FileStorage] Successfully saved image
3/18/2025, 6:15:13 PM [ERROR] Error processing request: error: column "confidence" of relation "plate_reads" does not exist
3/18/2025, 6:15:14 PM [INFO] POST /api/plate-reads
3/18/2025, 6:15:14 PM [INFO] Received plate read data: [object Object]
3/18/2025, 6:15:14 PM [INFO] Database connection established
3/18/2025, 6:15:14 PM [INFO] [FileStorage] Successfully saved image
3/18/2025, 6:15:14 PM [ERROR] Error processing request: error: column "confidence" of relation "plate_reads" does not exist
3/18/2025, 6:15:15 PM [INFO] GET /live_feed
3/18/2025, 6:15:15 PM [INFO] POST /api/verify-session
3/18/2025, 6:15:15 PM [INFO] GET /api/check-update
3/18/2025, 6:15:15 PM [INFO] Fetching latest plate reads
3/18/2025, 6:15:15 PM [INFO] Fetching tags
3/18/2025, 6:15:15 PM [ERROR] Error fetching plate reads: error: column pr.crop_coordinates does not exist
3/18/2025, 6:15:15 PM [INFO] POST /api/plate-reads
3/18/2025, 6:15:15 PM [INFO] Received plate read data: [object Object]
3/18/2025, 6:15:15 PM [INFO] Database connection established
3/18/2025, 6:15:15 PM [INFO] [FileStorage] Successfully saved image
3/18/2025, 6:15:15 PM [ERROR] Error processing request: error: column "confidence" of relation "plate_reads" does not exist
3/18/2025, 6:15:16 PM [INFO] POST /api/plate-reads
3/18/2025, 6:15:16 PM [INFO] Received plate read data: [object Object]
3/18/2025, 6:15:16 PM [INFO] Database connection established
3/18/2025, 6:15:16 PM [INFO] [FileStorage] Successfully saved image
3/18/2025, 6:15:16 PM [ERROR] Error processing request: error: column "confidence" of relation "plate_reads" does not exist
3/18/2025, 6:15:19 PM [INFO] GET /logs
3/18/2025, 6:15:19 PM [INFO] POST /api/verify-session
3/18/2025, 6:15:19 PM [INFO] GET /api/check-update