Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

I'm not seeing this on my end and can't reproduce. Are you still having this issue?
@algertc I am see the same issue, it is not on the main dashboard it is when you view the Insights for a plate.

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Ok, I see it now, thank you. I will fix. I also seem to have set the default order to some strange sorting. The most recently seen is not working for me.

Upcoming revisions:
fix plate insights timestamp
Live update/revalidate of live feed page on receipt of plate
Default sorting of DB page -> Most recently seen + fix sorting on that column
Improved dashboard/overview page with configurable timeline.
TPMS capture support...
  • I've had semi-decent success in preliminary testing but my antenna is 50+ feet away from the road which is far from optimal. I am going to plop a little POE box at the edge of my property this weekend and see how it goes...

PLEASE, do share any other features you would like or think are missing. More than happy to take any request into consideration.
Wow I need to give this a try

Paying $20/mo for Rekor is getting very old
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I'm not seeing this on my end and can't reproduce. Are you still having this issue?
Yes, I am. I’ll try pulling the last update again to see if that helps.

Edit: I just pulled the latest and am seeing the same thing.
Last edited:
Nice photoshop :D

I certainly can, but can you explain why you would want this?
The reason is not to clutter up the database with plates I do not care to track. Also I do not want the plates to show up on the Top 5 Plates (24h) because I know who the plate belongs to. In my ALPR camera field of view I have parked cars that are family and this plate can have over 1000 reads in 24 hours.
Can you also change the Top 5 Plates to Top 10 Plates or even better make it adjustable, Top 5, Top 10, Top 15, Top 20.
I have a spare SDR and could set it up, but I don't have any LPR within Blue Iris going currently

Let me know if I can be of help
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What additional hardware will be required for this?

I'm interested to hear about other people's power/wiring situations. I have my ALPR cams wired all the way out to the street, so I think I am going to run another line and power this little box off POE, but otherwise, it could be powered by a regular outlet if you have one of those on your property close enough to the street, or off landscape lighting, or off solar (although much more expensive and requires a battery).
I was originally going to do solar to avoid running another cable, but if you have the ability to run power/POE, it's really a lot better and cheaper. Solar setup: I would put in an ammo box to fit the battery or 3d print something with O rings.

I ordered this enclosure for myself to use with POE: Enclosure.

I'm trying to keep the setup as cheap and compact as possible and am testing with the following hardware soon:
  • SDR Nano - $41
  • Raspberry Pi 4 (may downgrade) -$35
  • Enclosure - $12
  • SMA Bulkhead Fitting - $--
  • 26 AWG unshielded copper jumper (3in) $--
  • Custom 315 MHz antenna (Bc not on Amazon. Available at a premium from radio/engineering sites, but better to just make one since it's literally a piece of copper in a tube.). Exact implementation TBD. - $--
Total: ~$100 + Figuring out how to power it.

Solar would be more like $250 and would use WiFi.

There are two options to get the data. Either stream the raw RF data from the SDR and deal with it in the app - or decode it in the box then send to an application like my ALPR database. Not really sure what will work best at the moment.

If I do end up getting consistent reads out on my street, I would be happy to assemble a box for anyone who wants one at no additional charge. I'll even ship it for free just because I'd like to see the data from other locations. I'll post what the decoded data from my setup looks like sometime soon.
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I'm interested to hear about other people's power/wiring situations. I have my ALPR cams wired all the way out to the street, so I think I am going to run another line and power this little box off POE, but otherwise, it could be powered by a regular outlet if you have one of those on your property close enough to the street, or off landscape lighting, or off solar (although much more expensive and requires a battery).
I was originally going to do solar to avoid running another cable, but if you have the ability to run power/POE, it's really a lot better and cheaper. Solar setup: I would put in an ammo box to fit the battery or 3d print something with O rings.

I ordered this enclosure for myself to use with POE: Enclosure.

I'm trying to keep the setup as cheap and compact as possible and am testing with the following hardware soon:
  • SDR Nano - $41
  • Raspberry Pi 4 (may downgrade) -$35
  • Enclosure - $12
  • SMA Bulkhead Fitting - $--
  • 26 AWG unshielded copper jumper (3in) $--
  • Custom 315 MHz antenna (Bc not on Amazon. Available at a premium from radio/engineering sites, but better to just make one since it's literally a piece of copper in a tube.). Exact implementation TBD. - $--
Total: ~$100 + Figuring out how to power it.

Solar would be more like $250 and would use WiFi.

There are two options to get the data. Either stream the raw RF data from the SDR and deal with it in the app - or decode it in the box then send to an application like my ALPR database. Not really sure what will work best at the moment.

If I do end up getting consistent reads out on my street, I would be happy to assemble a box for anyone who wants one at no additional charge. I'll even ship it for free just because I'd like to see the data from other locations. I'll post what the decoded data from my setup looks like sometime soon.
This thread has jumped to the next level.... I have power at the road and I love gadgets :D
As an Amazon Associate IPCamTalk earns from qualifying purchases.
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PLEASE, do share any other features you would like or think are missing. More than happy to take any request into consideration.

I have not tried to install this yet, just read over the thread - sounds cool.

I would love to see the ability to recognize the make/model of vehicles. I can certainly contribute to help train a model.

I capture about 5,000 plates a day currently, many I capture both the front and back plate. I keep images for about 6 months, or as my 1tb of storage allows.

Because I capture both the front and rear of vehicles, I use the data from both images to try and auto-correct incorrect plate matches.

Reading the tire pressure information of passing vehicles is super nerdy, I love it!!

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@algertc what does Download do.

Nothing at the moment. Was thinking it could be nice to be able to export your database, just not sure exactly how that should look yet or what people would end up using it for.

Would love to hear any thoughts

Just popping around some pages of the thread, so this may be covered and resolved already.

Ideally exporting a CSV file as an option. No images, but how many times would one encounter the same plate number from two states in one area?
Customizable fields would be a bonus, but unneeded columns can be remover by end user.
It keeps a searchable record for going further back.
Less tech savvy people can still write fairly advanced scripts in Excel to search and sort in it; or just use the basic sort options.
I've just got around to installing this on the Blue Iris machine. I installed Docker Desktop for Windows as recommended, did all the steps and it was up and running. Overnight, the box rebooted for some reason, but the Docker Desktop (and hence the ALPR Database container) did not restart. My question is, what does one need to do so the engine is running on a Windows 10 machine. I saw responses saying to create a startup task in Task Scheduler but apparently that doesn't work anymore.

And yet one more request for help. I've got a list of plates and images that I would like to bring into the ALPR database. I'm trying to write a python program to call the API, but I'm apparently not clear on the format. Here's what I tried and got a 500 error.
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request

url = ""
header={"x-api-key" : 'a7f1bc2f790dfc6959...(redacted)...'}
post_param = urllib.parse.urlencode({
'plate_number' : '9MQC052',
'Image' : 'Alerts/Cam3a.20240611_123315_45027682.jpg',
'Camera' : 'LPR',
'timestamp' : '2024-06-11T19:33:17Z'

req = urllib.request.Request(url, post_param, header)
response = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
