I think many will realise how useless e-mail notifications are for most people!I have not had the time or incentive to look at alternatives and quite frankly after years of checking false alarms emails multiple times a day I really enjoy the break from this.
Working on my DVR with gmail. Removed username, password and authentication. Using port 25 and my ISP SMTP address without SSL.
Spikegv will try your method later this evening
I don't use email for motion notifications - there would be far too many.Alastair Klasper etc what are you guys doing?
I'm testing sendpulse.com as they offer 12000 free emails per month. Using these settings server: smtp-pulse.com, port: 2525, ssl off and username/password provided from senpulse I'm getting a parameter error from my 2CD2532F (5.2.0) when I send the test email. The strange thing is that sendpulse does register that an email was send but as the total number of emails left for this moment is lowered by 1. But the test email never arrives. I get the same parameter error by the way when I connect with ssl. Maybe some of you might have more luck with sendpulse.
I've found that sendgrid.com also offers 12k free emails per month (limit of 400 per day) and it actually works! Here are my settings server: smtp.sendgrid.net, port: 587, don't use ssl, same username/password that you use to login on sendgrid.com.
Do you still use your gmail address as sender and receiver?
After 2 years working fine....our gmail email alerts stopped. The TEST no longer works. We tried OTHER email like icloud. Nothing works.
What happened???
Also I did find one other place that talked about GMAIL two step authentication maybe creating a block. The solution was to create a sub gmail account or a new gmail account but to NOT CHOOSE the 2 step authentication AND don't attach a phone number to it.
And that you have to use google DNS as your primary DNS Server.
Someone said on another forum that it worked after gmail not working for 3 months.