1st post party... drinks on me!!!
Cool, I noticed you're kinda close by... I'm in Sac.

Moteino? ...I swear there's a new flavor of 'duino released every single day. You're right that coding embedded systems things has a steep learning curve (even Arduino is challenging for a total rookie), unless you are already familiar with C... and don't take for granted the jedi knight soldering skills required to fab some of those circuits. Myself, the one programming class I took in college left a lasting impression, and so I have enjoyed embedded systems as a hobby for years (acquired the soldering skills as a youth playing with RC stuff). Right now I've got five ESP8266 modules doing various tasks around my home (toolshed PIR w/ phone notification, temp/humid/light/baro monitoring, etc...). The shed PIR is super cool; rechargeable battery lasts 2 years, notifies my phone instantly, only 2 falses in a year of operation, what more could you ask for a project that cost $20 to build? Between MQTT and Blynk, you can do just about anything with a $6 ESP module. I am looking forward to hacking in some embedded stuff into my home security system I'm starting to plan.
