This cannot be overstated. 6 weeks ago, when it was becoming evident that this thing was a statistical certainty hit the whole globe, I bought about a grand in fish ABX from fishmox. Wife gave me a list of doses and types. Shelf life on most is 2 years - and none of the ones I ordered become toxic. Less effective, yes, but not dangerous. Obviously ABX are not to treat viral infections - but secondary bacterial (or primary bacterial) infections are very common after the body is weakened by a virus.
Amoxicillin 500mg. (100-200 tabs)
Keflex 500 mg (100-200 tabs)
Clindamycin 150mg (300-400 tabs)
Sulfa 800/160mg (100-200 tabs)
Metronidazole 500mg (30-60 tabs)
Doxy 100 mg (100-200 tabs)
Fluconazole 100 mg (30 tabs)
Ciprofloxacin 500 mg (100 tabs)
Azithromycin 250mg (60 tabs)
It is why a good family practice doctor won't prescribe ABX until a patient has been symptomatic for at least 7 days. The consensus being that most infections are viral, and most burn out within a week. Any longer, or particularly if there has been improvement followed by worsening symptoms, it is generally bacterial.
Wife could have written for all of these, but not in quantity where she felt comfortable. Ironically, most of these are darn near free at local pharmacies even without insurance. But, without a script, you have to get them from the fish suppliers. Not ideal, but I bet you'd be willing to gnaw off your own right arm to get some if the time comes. Dying of sepsis is no way to go.