There is no reason for 30fps on a doorbell are not filming a Hollywood movie....OK, I just got the DS-KB6003-WIP
I'm on firmware V1.4.62 build 171218.
My issues are more about the settings from web interface and capabilities...
Is it normal I can't change the FPS?
It seems to be stuck at 12... no other choice... I want 30FPS at 1080...
Is this cam limited to 12 FPS for real?
***I downgraded cam to a previous firmware because I have seen in this forum it was letting us choose 22fps and yes it works but the stream didn't seem stable got I went back to latest firmware.
If this cam isn't powerful enough to have 30FPS, this is garbage for me...
I should have realized that not showing the FPS options in product specs on their site was a hint that Hikvision could not guaranty a stable normal camera FPS stream...
Just took this for granted as I would never have imagined that this could be a limit on a Hik cam in this price range...
I was interested in the Nest Hello originally but because it relies 100% on the Nest cloud, I figured there will be delays, etc... So when I saw this Hik doorbell, I figured I would get the Hikvision camera standard I know and love... I was wrong. With the Nest Hello, at least, the stream is better and cam is responsive, the hardware itself seems just better...
Might have to revisit this route...
I have other issues but this one is the deal breaker for me so far...
I'm not sure what you mean by that but I would be one of those people lolThese people who have to have 30fps in all there cameras really have no clue what they are talking about.
Sure you can see a slight difference. But for what the camera is designed to accomplish, 12fps is absolutely fine.
Check out,
You overpaid, I'm sure there are sales in Canada and had you looked you could have found better deal. Still yet, the Nest version still cost more than what you paid and you'd probably be better off, it also has a much better camera on it. Seriously, if you paid as much as a DS-2CD2185FWD-IS, why didn't you buy that instead??? You had to know it was a better camera.
I doubt the Wifi on this camera, much less the cpu can handle 30fps or ever will be able to. This is a crap camera for catching home videos, many better options, thus 30fps is silly. This is a good camera for seeing and hearing who is at your door and nothing more. I still do and always will maintain that 30fps in 90% of the situations is a huge waste for a security camera. And to come on here and whine about how your cheap doorbell cam that you didn't research and way overpaid for can't do as good as a overpriced, monthly fee, proprietary cloud bell with better hardware is ridiculous.
keep an eye on the RCA doorbells on ebay, I just picked one up for experimentation for $68 shipped. Also about 7 posts back there was a newegg deal for LaView Doorbell that was right at $100 shipped with a $10 newegg gift card, although stock fluctuates.
i saw one on the newegg. Is LaView Doorbell firmware customized or using same ones as Hikvision?
Anyone with this camera has issues with the sub stream specifically?
When I live view the sub stream (IE, Hik-Connect app, IVMS4200 etc.. using LAN IP or Hik-Connect), it streams at less than 1 FPS with some connection issues...
Of course, I could look into the Wifi connection but the main stream is fine (and way higher bandwidth) so I'm a little confused...
I tried playing with the substream bandwidth but does change anything (cannot change the framerate from 12 so nothing else to try adjusting...
Any advise? Thanks
My chime worked the first day I installed my LaView version but not anymore. Also, my phone doesn't ring anymore when the button is pressed, it just pops up a notification saying call failed. Wtf...
Are you still able to view live on your phone?
Try logging on to your doorbell with a web browser and reboot the doorbell. I can't remember where the reboot button option is located, most likely under System, Maintenance or something.
I have no problem getting notifications while recording in Blue Iris but my chime stopped working and my phone no longer rings when the button is pressed.Has anyone else been having an issue when connecting it to a DVR via ONVIF, the motion detection and app notifications no longer work? Going through the doorbell interface shows them turned off. Turning it back on works for about 24hr but then it turns back off again.