Dahua IP intercom: VTO3211D-P2 (new P & P4 ) door station - experience, review, firmware support?

No ! It doesnt work sorry
For firmware, be careful, i brick lot of dahua product with firmware find on Web, i recommand to ask at your reseller or dahua directly if You Are dahua agent
I surely hope so... what I hope even more - that the system works reliably.
I rather prefer reliability over some features of the 'latest' firmware which in the end I will not use anyway.
But a German interface might be nice for the indoor stations...
Hi all,

a different question - altogether...somewhat. With the VTO3211D-P2 two units can be served as it provides two buttons.
Let's assume there is panel in apartment A (main) and one in apartment B.

Is - e.g the VTH1550CH - possible to set up one of the panel (apartment B) to have only limited functionality?
So it has the normal functions - but can not administer or change any technical settings and basically that panel from apartment A can 'control' the panel from apartment B.
Like a master slave set up - across apartments (and buttons..).

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Iirc you need a password to change special settings. So you could configure it and don’t give the password away. I did not had a VTH in my hands yet, but I think you could manage it with SmartPSS for the other apartment.
Just some french translation for @jemesecurise
@jemesecurise, what screen are you using with VTO3211D-P2 ?
Quel écran utilise tu avec le VTO3211D-P2 ?
I try to find the latest firmware for it at https://www.dahuasecurity.com/products/productDetail/16461 but can't find it
Is french language also available in the latest firmware you have ?
As tu le dernier firmware supportant la langue française ?

I advise the vth5221w for the vto3211d-p2 bécause is most récent, but if You want to use vth1550ch you must upgrade and in this case you dont have french firmware. I ask dahua Last week but no french again for the firmware v1. 0.0 blue interface for moment
Iirc you need a password to change special settings. So you could configure it and don’t give the password away. I did not had a VTH in my hands yet, but I think you could manage it with SmartPSS for the other apartment.
I test it you cant management vth remotly événements with smart pss, you can communicate :
Smart PSS > VTH
Send message text from smart pss to vth.

And now with vth5221w-c (caméra in vth) you can have vidéo conférence bêtween 2 screen
Strange that the VTH are not manageable remotely... won't be a big deal in a two party home. But if you thing about large environments with a lot of apartments... The VTH is able to call other VTH in other buildings etc., so I assumed it would be remotely manageable.
I OK with you but its not the case ! If You find solution i 'm here hahahha
Just for that bécause i have few installation, 1 big with 8 screen and its difficult
Hi all,

Extra Doorbell at VTH1550CH?

Can an extra doorbell be attached to the indoor monitor VTH1550CH?

Imagine the following setup, main entrance with the VTO3211D-P2 intercom and a hall with doors to the separate apartments.
Now, can an extra simple doorbell attached to indoor monitor VTH1550CH - so someone from the hall can ring (even if that's without video?).

Hi all,

Extra Doorbell at VTH1550CH?

Can an extra doorbell be attached to the indoor monitor VTH1550CH?

Imagine the following setup, main entrance with the VTO3211D-P2 intercom and a hall with doors to the separate apartments.
Now, can an extra simple doorbell attached to indoor monitor VTH1550CH - so someone from the hall can ring (even if that's without video?).


For your ordered VTH you could find this in the manual.

View attachment 27404
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Well, maybe with the Alarm in pins... will try when i get mine. But i think you're going to hold yours in your hands first :)
Extra safety with DEE1010B Access Control Extension Module?


Another thing - as for the VTO3211D-P2 having a mirfare reader, it means that it somehow has to unlock the door.
So it might have plain access to the door opener. This might for some mean a lack of security
(basically someone rips the station of the wall, gets the two wires and shorten them - vola - he is in....!?).


Could the uses of such module strengthen the security somewhat - as now the relay from the lock is controlled from within the building?
Despite it main purpose to hook up an additional door...

Any ideas?
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