Dahua Ultra Starlight Varifocal Bullet (IPC-HFW8232E-Z)

Have you tried recording with the MJPEG encoding on your Bosch yet? or do you use H264/5, MJPEG is a killer on bandwidth and storage but quality can be very useful, I assume the Bosch should be producing pretty good quality footage using H264/5 anyway. Interested to see how good the Bosch support is, you would hope that it matches the camera quality.

I set the main stream max bitrate from default 15k to its max which is 50k. I had target bitrate set to 50k for awhile but saw no quality improvement so moved it back to 12k (default). Having max at 50k is probably pointless but shouldn't hurt.

It can do substream and MJPEG encoding at the same time as main stream, but it warns MJPEG quality can degrade if the system is overloaded with other tasks. I haven't tried MJPEG since I have nothing to really complain about in the quality of the main stream. Maybe I'll mess with it at some point but I've spent too much time with the camera the last few days and need to catch up on other stuff.

Dinion 8000 has been around for a few years so it only supports H.264. I assume that means it's using what would now be called H.264 Base Profile, not Main or High Profile. That's fine since Milestone 2016 doesn't support H.265 and seems a little glitchy with the High profile setting on Dahua. Bosch does let you tweak advanced settings for the H.264 encoder but I haven't tried changing them. Apparently you can alter the Quantization Parameter (QP) which controls the size and quality of the video. QP for I-frames and P-frames can be adjusted individually. Manual says:
To obtain the highest quality at the lowest bandwidth, even in the case of increased movement in the picture, configure the
quality settings as follows:
1. Observe the coverage area during normal movement in the preview images.
2. Set the value for Min. P-frame QP to the highest value at which the image quality still meets your needs.
3. Set the value for I/P-frame delta QP to the lowest possible value. This is how to save bandwidth and memory in normal scenes. The image quality is retained even in the case of increased movement since the bandwidth is then filled up to the value that is entered under Maximum bit rate.

I'm happy with default settings for now, but nice to know artifacts could potentially be reduced further. I double checked and Dahua doesn't have any of those advanced settings so stream quality is what it is. I did try VBR and "Smart codec" with a slider set to max quality but it seemed no better than CBR at max bitrate. You can also set a rectangular region of interest which keeps that area detailed and makes everything else very blocky. The ROI artifacting wasn't obviously reduced vs not using ROI.

Dahua 8232 is still one of the best bang for the buck low light cameras and makes a good secondary. On the other hand, you could spend half the cost on a higher res camera and beef up your IR which is probably better any time you can force a subject to approach within 20-25 feet. It's much better to disable internal camera IR and use external IR because it eliminates fog and every little particle and insect getting seen by the camera. I'm finding it preferable to have one or two 100degree FOV cameras watching to see what generally happens in an area without necessarily being able to identify anything, then a second low-light camera zoomed in somewhere that intruders likely can't avoid passing for identification. Point an IR "cannon" light at where cams are zoomed in on. Unfortunately, Dahua 8232 only zooms out to ~80FOV and being a lower res 1080p camera makes it less ideal for wide angle watching. I'm probably going to move mine to a choke point and keep it relatively zoomed in.

Bosch tech support did respond within a few hours and linked me to the spec sheet with recommended lenses (same sheet I'd already looked at) and they said I'll need to call sales to see if they have other lens suggestions.
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I've got two IPC-HFW8232E-Z cameras that no longer show the memory cards installed in them. The cameras have different firmware, and I noticed a few weeks back that one of them no longer showed the installed SD card. Today I see that both cameras no longer display the SD card installed in them. I had taken one of the cards out of the first camera to go missing and was able to read it on my computer. I swapped it out for an older, smaller sized card, but that was not recognized by the camera either. Any thoughts on what I need to do to get these recognized and working again?

Thanks for the link. I've upgraded firmware on all of my cameras to the latest available NTSC version. One of my cameras now sees the local SD card, the other does not. I'll swap out the card again to ensure that it's not a problem with the SD card (don't believe that it is).

Edit: Ok, I swapped out the SD card, did a manual reboot and it saw the 32GB card. I did a hot swap, and it now sees the 128GB card. I'll keep an eye on it to make sure it continues to recognize the installed SD card. Thanks for the assist.
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Thanks for the link. I've upgraded firmware on all of my cameras to the latest available NTSC version. One of my cameras now sees the local SD card, the other does not. I'll swap out the card again to ensure that it's not a problem with the SD card (don't believe that it is).

Edit: Ok, I swapped out the SD card, did a manual reboot and it saw the 32GB card. I did a hot swap, and it now sees the 128GB card. I'll keep an eye on it to make sure it continues to recognize the installed SD card. Thanks for the assist.

I think the card always been in there. I notice the setting GUI refreshes very slowly and would take a couple of seconds before it show the card. Sometime I had to refresh my browser to get it to show my card.

Try this test next time, if the card disappears again, go to the playback on the camera GUI and see if it list any records to view then try play back those records. if it playing back with no problem then the card is still in camera and working fine that there probably a bug with Storage GUI not displaying the card property.

After reading all 15 pages, I have a few questions.
Just for clarification, we are talking about this model camera: Dahua IPC-HFW8232E-Z ? Several of you have thrown out other model numbers here and there.
I am looking at the bullet version of this I keep seeing some of you mention a turret version as well?
It can run off of a 12 Volt DC power or POE+ power? ( I have external 12 volts available, my dying PTZ did not support POE.)
Looking at this site: DAHUA 2MP Starlight IR Bullet Network Camera with heating function no Logo IPC HFW8232E Z, free DHLshipping-in Surveillance Cameras from Security & Protection on Aliexpress.com | Alibaba Group
It looks like it arrives with PAL firmware. is there now NTSC firmware?
What is the latest firmware level available?
About how many degrees of UP tilt can you get out of the mount? I need about 20 degrees up.

Is anyone having issues with settings in the day/night profiles getting mixed up?

I'm not sure if it's due to the new firmware or that I'm changing profiles through the http api, but I've been doing that or a while and it's just now I'm staring having issues. I haven't investigated enough to say anything for sure but it seams like after I change profile the settings get's copied from the previous one (or at least some of the settings).
My 8232 arrived very quickly. I have been busy building a junction box mount as this will be mounted on my radio tower.
In the mean time I have been playing around with this in my basement. I am very impressed with how well it does in low light. With just a bit of light coming through a window on a cloudy day was able to see everything in full color. I managed to get logged into the android app, and found the correct RST setting to capture the stream. I like the web interface but do not like that I can not use it in a standard web browser tab. I use Chrome.

I do have a few questions.
1) Is there a setting to switch from day/night based on sunrise/sunset or are solely stuck with a time based setting? ( I looked and could not find one)
2) I am using the main stream to capture a JPG every 5 seconds (used for time lapse) and I noticed that sometimes the bottom of the image is very blurry, would reducing the bit rate help solve this?
3) Is there a optimum settings to use for night? would be interesting to see if this thing can be set with a slow enough shutter to catch star light, I know it is pushing the limits.

Thanks Bob.
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I noticed that Nayr, mentioned about a possible heater inside this camera.
I can not find any documentation on this on the Dahua website. IPC-HFW8232E-Z | Dahua Technology - Dahua Technology
I will ASSume that it does have a heater and that it is automatically activated by the camera when ever it get cold enough.
Anyone have any info on this?
With the power draw in the specs, and the lack of anything calling it out, I doubt that camera has a heater.

Models with heaters also usually have a "H" designation at the end of the model number.
I've got the dome flavor (HDBW8232E-Z) and I'm 99% certain it does have a heater. The documentation doesn't mention it anywhere, but the stated power consumption is higher at < 18w vs. <13w for your bullet. You can see the fan assembly when you have the cover off too, but I haven't heard it running. My SD65F230F has a heater & fan that seem to run 24/7, though... it seems to maintain ~ 122 deg. F based on the temp data overlay.

Granted, the domes might need heaters w/ the clear plastic (lexan?)... the turret appears to have just the glass shield in front of the lens, right?
That all makes sense. Will find out how needed it is or isn't soon enough. It can reach below zero here in Michigan. Will have to email Andy and see if it is something that can be user installed. My old PTZ never had one and did fine.
So far I am blown away with the night time performance. I think I have it dialed in about as good as she will deliver. Still not happy with my day time settings.
That all makes sense. Will find out how needed it is or isn't soon enough. It can reach below zero here in Michigan. Will have to email Andy and see if it is something that can be user installed. My old PTZ never had one and did fine.
So far I am blown away with the night time performance. I think I have it dialed in about as good as she will deliver. Still not happy with my day time settings.

Hi BobW

Looks like some of these products are well rated to handle the colder degrees, example:
IPC-HFW8232E-Z | Dahua Technology - Dahua Technology

Operating Conditions: -40° C ~ +60° C (-40° F ~ +140° F) / Less than 95% RH
I have the 8231 and it has the same environmental specs, but no heater
Yes, I went to the Dahua web site, mine does NOT have a heater. But based on the temperature range I should be fine.
The things we learn.
I ordered the IPC-HFW8232E-Z 2MP last Sunday and I just received it today, Saturday. That is fast shipping from Andy. Andy is the best.
Because hk also at holiday for Christmas, everything before holiday very slow, but future will become to normal.
its also a noisy bastard w/out 3DNR, probably more so than the eco starlight turret..

ran into a slight hickup on the install of this camera.. base is wider than my junction box, live stream might be out a while

Anyone know of a junction box that fits this camera without significant modification?

PFA121 is listed as the accessory junction box, can anyone confirm? Thank you
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I just went and used an Electrical junction box for outdoors. I used 2 hose clamps attached with screws (2 each clamp) to the junction box (camera is mounted on a radio tower). Cut a hole big enough to feed the wires through into the cover of the junction box. sealed everything up with some marine grade silicone and called it good. No bug or moisture inside.
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