
  1. iamatemple

    ALL FIXED!!! Techage NVR XM-6916k 16 channel POE unable to setup FTP + how to record custom sound clips?

    Good evening there forum folks! My Techage Network Video Recorder (model XM-6916k) has been setup and is working as good as I hoped! It offers custom voice prompts over POE cameras which offer 2 way communication between owner + guest/delivery folks/potential criminals.. I see a...
  2. T

    Continuously recording and video clips with different retention time

    Hello, What is the best way to achieve the following use case? Continuously recording with short retention time (about 3 weeks) Video clips of (confirmed) alerts with long retention time (about 3 month) I thought this could be a common use case. But it looks like this only is possible to...
  3. ChnZ

    Reolink-520 kpbs problem (playback videos)

    Hello. I have problem with my Reolink-520. Some of my videos (mini clips) were recorded wont run properly. They just loading successfully with max kpbs and start dropping to zero and the clip freeze.Theres a two ways to watch them: Switching to Fluent mode (Super low quality) / Download and...
  4. T

    Camera won’t trigger and has ~ symbol in upper right corner

    So I finally loaded version 5 and since that one camera no longer triggers record . Its a Hikvision. I can record manually but only for 30 seconds. Also cannot get cams on cell only wifi. I wish I had not uPGraded Anyone know why the tilde symbol is showing ? Thanks
  5. ermac

    Best Setting for Motion Detect Record

    Googling "anti-dither" and "latch" in security camera terms can be a bit confusing... seems the explanation and definition of these terms varies and not all that clear. Dahua's default settings for Motion Detect is anti-dither set at 5 seconds and latch set at 10 seconds as well as delay at 10...
  6. supersel

    Hikvison NVR only records continuous and not on motion

    I just got a Hikvision-USA DS-9632NI-H8 NVR running firmware V3.1.4 Build 150625. Cameras are Hikvision and have set each camera so they are activated by motion. ( I previously used all 12 of my camera with BlueIris and the motion recording worked fine) 9 of the 12 cameras only record when NVR...
  7. W

    Audio Problem With DAV Files Conversion, Need Help!!

    Hi, Im new to this forum, I had looked all over the internet and cant solves my problem with dav files, I got a dahua nvr, which the mic, and the video are different connections, when I download the records and play them through smartplayer, the are great, audio and video sincrhonized, my...
  8. T

    How to save BI recording within IE?

    Hello all, I am unable to save a pre-recorded video to a windows desktop when accessing it via Internet Explorer. Windows 10 Pro, using IE11, ActiveX installed When selecting a previous recording then clicking the red record button within IE, it will save a portion of the beginning...
  9. B

    How to record daily segments continuously and keep a week's worth?

    Hello all, I am new to Blue Iris and have tried Googling my issue but can't find a working result. I have also consulted the help guide within Blue Iris. A little back story - I have 9 IP cams (D-link) and used to use their recording software called D-Viewcam. Their software would crash on...
  10. ozzywadd

    Hi All, Advice would be much appreciated!

    In short... I have a need for a camera system that will allow me to programmatically tell the camera to start recording, stop and save to file to be referenced in the future if needed. This is to record every instance of a manual task for quality assurance. Ideally, this would work with some...
  11. G

    Dahua NVR rewrites WAY before the disk is full

    Hello, I have a Dahua NVR 36 channel with 23 cams and 2 x 4TR hard drives and from some time now the NVR records only 2 days and rewrites. I can see that the first hard drive is not close to full and the second is completely empty. The integrated disk check in the NVR says that's nothing wrong...
  12. R

    Formatting SD card Hangs at 88%

    Hi all, New poster here. I have a Hikvision DS-2DE3304W-DE IP camera that I am trying to install and record to 128GB micro SD card, but no matter what I do, the format operation always hangs at 88% and eventually times out. Then the HDD status shows Exception, and of course is not available to...
  13. G

    iVMS-4200 can not see HDD

    First let me say that I can manually record to my HDD with the iVMS-4200 client software both still pictures as well as video, but when I try to set things up for auto record during motion detect it won't record even though it does indicate it detects motion. I read where you have to set up the...
  14. S

    Ds1616-E2 record length 24 hours only?

    hi. I have a 4TB drive in my hikvision ds-1616-E2 and only have 5 4MP cameras attached. Regardless of the quality settings, I can’t seem to get the system to record any more than 24hours. It doesn’t completely fill up the hard drive and I can’t find any information that can help thus far. I’m...
  15. A

    Triggered vs Triggered+Periodic

    I'm new to Blue Iris and have been reading the manual and experimenting. I thought I understood the dialog box for Triggering, Triggering + Periodic etc., but the more I read and experiment, the less I'm certain... So what I would LIKE to do is construct a time lapse in which a normal speed...
  16. strathglass

    Missing following action

    I have an issue where I capture initial motion, but when that motion moves out of frame and then comes back in a second time (a short time later, maybe 5-20s), the second time motion is not captured/saved. Anyone know what setting to adjust for this? How many people just record EVERYTHING...
  17. M

    Record Schedule, what is that? (Hikvision)

    No wonder why a company such Hikvision has such a modern technology in low price but with the worst documentation ever.. It is chinese.. English is not my mother tongue and I can understand that I might not be reading and interpreting correctly things on menus but for some reason I just don't...
  18. M

    How to setup Continuous and Alarm record on DS-7604NI/4P

    Hi guys, I bought the following setup for home and I'm very happy with this system: 1x DS-7604NI/4P 3X DS-2CD2135F-IS 1x DS-2CD2035-I I managed to put the whole system up (that was an achievement! lol). After reading several posts here and also reading the not-so-good Hikvision manual, I am...
  19. T

    Way to manually record all cameras?

    I'm looking for the correct way to manually start a recording for all cameras and end it when I want to. I can click the manual record button now for each camera individually, but is there a proper way to do it for all? The only way I've been able to get it working is to put all the cameras into...
  20. N

    Connect Blue iris with other device

    Hi all, this is my first post. It's being a while i start using blue iris, and let me say that blue iris probably save my life warning me that there was two thiefs outside my house..... BIG (really big) thanks to blue iris for that. I wonder if there is a way to connect blue iris to my alarm...
  21. S

    Hikvision NVR remote recording problem DS-7608N-E2/8P

    When I access NVR through web browser and click start recording, I noticed the file is saved to my computer (the path is defined in "local configuration"). I do not want files to be saved in my computer, I would like them to be saved in NVR's HDD. Where is the problem?
  22. N

    How to configure to record to a pc

    I have a 6 cam system, my nvr is a PC I'm on a domain total newbie here so I'm nto sure how to set this up, no SD cards in the cams, my plan was to record to a PC. Do I configure the recording on the actual CAM menu itself or do I program the IVMS4200 to record? When I try remote payback I...
  23. D

    IP camera recorder software

    Hello, I would like to exchange my old NVR device for a software-based video recorder. A solution requiring development is unexcluded, what's more, I would rather create a camera recorder on my own from code. I prefer C#. Formerly I used AForge's ODM for displaying the camera image, but...
  24. R

    To Schedule a PTZ routine

    Hello This is my first post because I am interested to buy Blue Iris. One of the requierements is to record a PTZ routine. Is it possible? My IP cam is a Vivotek PD8136 Thanks anticipated Roberto
  25. B

    Record start or alarm trigger with an http command?

    Hello @all. Sorry for my bad english first. I use some DS-2CD2332I ad I´m very happy with it. Now I want to integrate the cam in my homeautomation system (eq.3 Homematic). I want to trigger the cams for a record if some Homematic sensors (Door/window sensor, Motionsensor) detect a action...
  26. I

    Ringbuffer for IP Cam

    Hello im looking for a Software to recording one oer more IP-Cams in a ringbuffer. One Problem ist the Triggering of the Ringbuffer. Ist must be an extern Triggersignal of IO or bether an Softwarelink as DLL or other. Example: i must record an Technicalproocess and if is an Problem with this...
  27. GeometricAtom

    No motion recording BI V4

    Currently running the latest Blue Iris version on my setup. However, this version doesn't record motion on one of my camera (IPQ 2232x), but works fine on my Hikvision and Tenvis cameras. Blue Iris does save a picture when motion is detected (under alerts), but doesn't save a Blue Iris...
  28. M

    Video recording for Sricam AP006 IP dome camera (C#)

    I have ordered a Sricam AP006 IP dome camera from China for security purposes. The basic functions work well (including PTZ motion control), but I would like to build some additional features to improve its efficiency. The first and foremost is that I need customized video recording, but I...