BackStreet-Surveillance on Youtube; Am I being toooo critical of the information he is giving?


Known around here
Jul 30, 2020
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Maybe I am being a bit critical, especially since this is a business providing security consultation and installation services for homes and businesses, but knowing what I know now there is a lot of incorrect and misinformation in just this one video.

I am not sure where he keeps getting the 60' distance from.
Facial ID at distances of 60' with a 3.6mm?
License plate ID at 60' with a 3.6mm?
Claims 100% coverage, but with obstructions in the way?
Non-overlapping views, but states you can see someone come up to cars in the driveway. (What if they come up on the other side of the car?)
Asking cameras to do way too much.

There is some reasonable information, but the biggest thing I took away from this is I now have a free camera layout tool that I can use to map out my house. It's a little generic, but better than what I have now.



IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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No you are not being too overly critical.

None of those claims are valid - they sell rebranded gear.

They haven't invented a camera that defies basic physics.

Sadly we have seen many "professionals" that folks around here call trunk slammers (not saying that is what they are as I haven't dealt with the company) - but the trunk slammers all they want is the quick buck and are in business to install quick systems with overpriced cameras on less than ideal MP/sensor ratios and leave everything on default/auto settings.

That is cool we now have another camera layout tool now that IPVM is a paid service!


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Maybe I am being a bit critical, especially since this is a business providing security consultation and installation services for homes and businesses, but knowing what I know now there is a lot of incorrect and misinformation in just this one video.

I am not sure where he keeps getting the 60' distance from.
Facial ID at distances of 60' with a 3.6mm?
License plate ID at 60' with a 3.6mm?
Claims 100% coverage, but with obstructions in the way?
Non-overlapping views, but states you can see someone come up to cars in the driveway. (What if they come up on the other side of the car?)
Asking cameras to do way too much.

There is some reasonable information, but the biggest thing I took away from this is I now have a free camera layout tool that I can use to map out my house. It's a little generic, but better than what I have now.

Back Street imho is dishonest enough in prior videos I have seen, that I can not trust any of their videos ..

"when comparing apples to apples .. " - Backstreet

They incorrectly compare one of the cheapest lorex kits with a higher end backstreet kit .. and imply all lorex models / kits are the quality of the cheap kits .. he's an image of them purposefully breaking the stem of a plastic body cheap coax camera from Lorex ..

Last edited:
Jun 29, 2024
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Houston TX
What did I say that contradicts? We have 30,000+ customers, ALL capturing faces at 60ft with a 3.6mm lens. You are not doing anyone a service by acting like you know...when you do not. I would love to see your resume so readers can place a value on the advice you post. |I have a strong feeling you really do not know what you are talking about and have little to no real experience. This is where trunk slammers come to feel important. All you do is tear down, you do NOT build anything or really help anyone.


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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What did I say that contradicts? We have 30,000+ customers, ALL capturing faces at 60ft with a 3.6mm lens. You are not doing anyone a service by acting like you know...when you do not. I would love to see your resume so readers can place a value on the advice you post. |I have a strong feeling you really do not know what you are talking about and have little to no real experience. This is where trunk slammers come to feel important. All you do is tear down, you do NOT build anything or really help anyone.
Most of us here are not installers. Many of us are simply homeowners that have wasted too much money on cameras over the years and disappointed with the 2.8 and 3.6mm fixed lens big box systems or lower end cameras the "professionals" installed, and come to find out that we are not going to get an IDENTIFY quality face capture at 60 feet with a 2.8 fixed lens camera regardless of the camera quality.

Please provide us with examples, day and night, of a person in motion at 60 feet away with a 3.6mm lens that shows IDENTIFY capabilities of a face. Standing still under ideal conditions are not the example images we are looking for.

Sure my 3.6mm fixed lens can capture a face at 60 feet, but there is no IDENTIFY quality of it of a complete stranger. A neighbor or someone goes by, yeah I can tell it is them, but not a complete stranger. Not anything of valuable use to the police to track the person down.

Some of my posts here, along with posts of others, have helped people tremendously, so no not all we do is tear down. And not everything has to be done by a "professional" and many things can by DIY.

There is certainly a market for companies like yours, and as I mentioned, I have no first-hand knowledge of your company and maybe you do it better and take cameras off of default settings and supply ideal MP/sensor and focal lengths for what the customer wants to achieve, but I do have experience with other installers, and being sold 2.8 and 3.6mm cameras on less than ideal MP/sensor and leaving cameras on default/auto settings to IDENTIFY faces and plates at 80 feet is not happening.

Here are some examples of posts that many people cite as helping them move beyond what they either got from the big box stores or replaced cameras that were installed by a professional (you would be surprised how many were not happy with the professional install they paid big money for and come here and then purchase better cameras (for less than the cheap cameras they bought from the installer) and feel like the free service they got from this forum was better than what they paid for):

Here is just a sampling of people that came here after being burned by a "professional" that provided them with the wrong system or a ridiculously high quote for cheap cameras and they replaced cameras based on our FREE suggestions and then started capturing what they wanted:

We look forward to your examples of IDENTIFY quality images of faces at night at 60 feet with 3.6mm focal length cameras under low light conditions with the person moving....


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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While we wait for his samples of people at 60 feet with a 3.6mm, here are some excerpts from his videos.

This distance is probably less than 60 feet. Is this IDENTIFY quality of a person standing still? For somebody that knows them, yes. Handed to the police if they vandalized the place, no.



I assume you did a digital zoom:


Look at that blur. Clearly these folks are within 60 feet, but between the blur from probably being on default/auto settings and camera height and IR washout, I cannot get a clean image from the video to help the police IDENTIFY.

Fortunately this was 24/7 live monitoring and they were able to scare away the perps before they stole anything. Good thing because this provides no IDENTIFY characteristics for the police.



IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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What did I say that contradicts? We have 30,000+ customers, ALL capturing faces at 60ft with a 3.6mm lens. You are not doing anyone a service by acting like you know...when you do not. I would love to see your resume so readers can place a value on the advice you post. |I have a strong feeling you really do not know what you are talking about and have little to no real experience. This is where trunk slammers come to feel important. All you do is tear down, you do NOT build anything or really help anyone.
Welcome @Backstreet Surveillance ?

Are you really Backstreet Surveillance ? or just a troll ?


Getting comfortable
Mar 18, 2022
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Welcome @Backstreet Surveillance ?

Are you really Backstreet Surveillance ? or just a troll ?
That's a good point. A new account could mean that. If it is a troll, they did a great job. Reread the post.

Unfortunately, we may never know because @wittaj is obviously correct, and this guy/company has apparently a lot of content and has possibly been giving people bad information through his business. So they are invested in being wrong.
The hope is that if he is legitimate he reads this info, learns from it, and corrects his ways. But that takes a willingness to admit they are wrong, a lot of effort, and a willingness to learn.
Either way, if that is a legitimate account, we'll probably not get another post. People don't like to admit when they're wrong.

Now, if that is a troll, the response will be epic... Because they are that good.
We've already seen the appeal to authority and appeal to emotion. Then calling out probably the most helpful person on this forum for only tearing him down?...That would be trolling at its finest.


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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Dang the AI posting is getting better all the time :lmao: