Anything wrong with that?YES devices and even cameras are visible in the same network
Anything wrong with that?YES devices and even cameras are visible in the same network
просматриваю на панелях в резерв пиши на регистратор, разные потокиWrite to what device you need screenshots on setup
View on panels in reserve write to the recorder, different streams
Anything wrong with that?
Anything wrong with that?
The second network is necessary, so that the camera does not get both the first network and from the Internet, as in the first network live devices responsible for temperature control in the house.Recorder understands 2 local networks, behind it is a smart sweater, which will divide everything into villans, routing between villans makes the router microtik through it goes access to the intert
I'm using the last "2019-03-06 V4.300.0000004.0.R" firmware on the VTO (Web service 2.0).