
  1. Marble68

    Project for my town - I don't know where to start

    So, my town has asked me to try and build them something that will be mounted next to the road. Big flashing sign "Local PD welcomes you" - they want it to scream surveillance. The cars will pass by at 50mph or so. The goal isn't to read the plates (but I'd like to be able to) - but to get a...
  2. Marble68

    Capture stills with Raspberry pi?

    I am just getting into LPR projects - and I have a 2MP LPR camera hot off the boat from China. ha 2.0mp Traffic Camera Hd Lpr Camera Car License Plate Recognize Lpr Dash Camera - Buy 2.0mp Traffic Camera,Hd Lpr Dash Camera,Car License Recognize Camera Product on Alibaba.com It provides an RTSP...
  3. C

    HDW5231R-ZE settings for LPR

    How are folks tuning your cams for those wonderful night plate captures? I've been twiddling with a HDW5231R-ZE as an upgrade to an older non-Dahua camera for about a week. Daytime images are good, but night and twilight are problematic. Below are the settings I've tried, but I've yet to get a...
  4. F

    OpenALPR - A How-To on Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop

    Long time lurker, figured I would give back after learning from you wonderful people. Although most of this is mine, some of it was pulled together from various sources on the Internet and the Git Repo for openalpr. This bundle includes directions on configuring Ubuntu 16.04 with xrdp...
  5. Monakhov

    RealTime LPR response

    Hi guys! Need help! Can anyone explain how to get real time plate number from DS-2CD4026FWDP-IRA in text or XML via SDK or ISAPI? I`m reading SDK, ISAPI and so on but all I can is GET requests like http://admin:admin123@, with response...
  6. Frankenscript

    Mail post LPR: Off the shelf? / HomeOwner Assoc concerns?

    Hi folks, Sorry for the long title... but that pretty much sums it up. I'm interested in setting up LPR via cameras attached to my mail post. See picture of the post. The street is straight in both directions; no curves within the monitoring zone. I have been reading numerous threads, in...
  7. Ryan111

    White list dahua NVR

    Hi guys I’m having a problem on my dahua nvr, I’m running my dahua anpr cameras stand alone to open a barrier and programme the plates using the web browser, however the client wants to see the white list on the nvr so they can track who should and shouldn’t be gaining access to site, however...
  8. ATL2059

    License Plate Recognition IP Camera 2.1MP 1080P 5-50mm Varifocal Lens 84 IR LEDs

    Saw this camera on ebay for just under 200. Has anyone used it / does it work with hikvision LPR software?
  9. CarlAnthony

    ANPR/LPR Question

    Good afternoon all. New to the forum and am seeking advice on two Hikvision IP Cams. I am debating between DS-2CD4A26FWD-IZH and DS-2CD4A26FWD-IZHS/P. Hikvision support tells me that they are essentially the same camera and that the (S/P) version has integrated LPR technology whereas the...
  10. alastairstevenson

    Sensor tracks who is driving in your neighbourhood

    This may be an interesting development: Sensor tracks who is driving in your neighbourhood - BBC News
  11. R

    Plates were working but now overexposed.

    I have a Hikvision 3MP 16mm EXIR bullet (DS-2CD2T32-I5) on a pole in front of my house for license plates. It was working (not great but legible for most plates). Not sure what happened but now the plates are all over exposed at night. Before: After: It still works adequately during the...
  12. J

    IPC-HFW5231E-Z12 vs IPC-HFW5231E-Z5

    I'm thinking about buying one of these from @EMPIRETECANDY for LPR. What I can't quite figure out is why the Z5 is $214 and the Z12 is $200. I would think that the bigger zoom would carry the bigger price tag. Am I missing something here? Does anyone have experience using either of these for...
  13. S

    BI and License Plate Recognition

    Hi, I am looking for an already proved and working solution of BI integration with LPR software (black list, send alert on specific plate number, keep records months back). I aim to use dedicated Hikvision 3MP 4mm camera. Is that the recommended camera and what distance it would capture plates...
  14. nayr

    Dahua 4MP 25mm LPR Modification

    Starting a thread for this project and discussion.. this is the poor mans long range LPR setup. Camera: IPC-HFW4431M-AS-I2 ($100) Lens: 25mm Cheap-o ($20 DHL) Just installed the lens and am evaluating it, with this camera I was able to fully reassemble the camera despite the longer lens...
  15. M

    Looking for a LPR camera

    I am looking for suggestions on license plate reading cameras. I would currently need to monitor two lanes of traffic (one lane in each direction) with speeds up to 100km/h (~60 mph). Due to poor bandwidth on the location I would need license plate reading to be done on the camera and only...
  16. H

    Another License plate capture project

    After seeing all you guys and your plate capture/recognition setups I thought i'd give it a go. I got a Huisun v2 but it's too tall to fit on the trim board under the soffit. So I took an old 4mp hikvision turret and did the 25mm lens hack and placed it in the window to see how close it is to...
  17. F

    Enclosure and solid IR filter questions

    I went to install this Dahua IPC-HF5421E (specs) as an LPR and I ran into two issues. 1. It doesn't fit the enclosure by 1/4" :sad:. (See pic) 2. The enclosures have an IR lens (see dark circle in pic). I had a hard time adjusting the image settings to get a usable image. So, I need to get a...
  18. C

    Reading number plates. How far, what resolution and what lens?

    Does anyone have a chart cross referencing the readibility of a car number plate based on these three parameters? The assumption is that the car is stationary. And of course I can't imagine being able to read a plate at night with IR unless it is a very targeted lens and close. Or I could be...
  19. F

    Replace failed analog license plate reader

    I need to replace a License Plate Reader. The current one is analog. It connects to an Axis Analog to IP converter, then to a Milestone server via a cable modem. I would like to get an analog option as well as an option for an IP cam. The camera is mounted about 10' up on a pole. The info I can...
  20. K

    Need a camera capable of picking up license plates from about 200 feet away

    I live in an apartment complex that has had the occasional issue with theft of delivered packages from porches, break-ins on cars, and other issues. I put up my own security cameras (D-Link) which do the trick to an extent as I just caught a woman driving in and stealing packages off my porch...
  21. dalepa

    Huisun 10x LPR (License Plate Reading) settings

    Here's how I setup my Huisun 10x bullet PTZ for LPR --------- I used the following settings to get a good exposure on the Huisun 10X for license plate viewing. 1. PTZ to the location desired. 2. Set the Image / Exposure settings to Shutter Priority, Shutter 1/425, Exposure Bias On: Comp...
  22. nzipcamera

    LPR (License Plate Recognition) new feature of NVR Firmware release V3.3.1

    Hi, Has anyone tried out License Plate Recognition on there Hikvision NVR running V3.3.1? The firmware is meant to have the following features included as part of LPR feature set: •NVR provides a complete intergraded solution with the LPR camera •14 countries supported...
  23. nzipcamera

    Hikvision DS-2CD6026FHWD-(A) 2MP Ultra Low-light for vehicle license plate capture

    Hi everyone, Looking at getting an Hikvision DS-2CD6026FHWD-(A) 2MP for car number plate capture. If anyone has used or had any experience with this camera I would be most interested in there opinion. The vehicles would be about 25m away from the camera location. The camera would be pole...
  24. J

    License plate camera question

    I plan on getting a box style camera with a 50-80mm telephoto lens ip camera. Mounted in a outside box. No IR just day and night mounted 15ft high on a tree and pointed towards the road. Road about 100 ft away. Would a d1 rating work or should I get a 2mp camera? Cars highest speeds would be...
  25. L

    License Plates at Night

    I am trying to catch these bastards at night. What lens would you guys recommend. I tried everything so far without any success getting the plates. Currently using 1/3" 12mm F1.8. (I also turned off IR) Thank you in advance. M
  26. dalepa

    Dedicated License Plate Cam project

    Thanks to nextdoor.com, I now hear about break-in's almost weekly in our neighborhood of about 1500 homes... I have 2 Hikvision 2032's over the driveway and a 2432 on the porch, but they are 4mm and not really enough to catch any plate numbers... I was thinking about putting up another 2032 at...